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Intrusive | Definition of intrusive by Merriam-Webster
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adjective in·tru·sive \in-ˈtrü-siv, -ziv\

: annoying someone by interfering with their privacy : intruding where you are not wanted or welcome

Full Definition of INTRUSIVE

a :  characterized by intrusion
b :  intruding where one is not welcome or invited
a :  projecting inward <an intrusive arm of the sea>
b (1) of a rock :  having been forced while in a plastic state into cavities or between layers
(2) :  plutonic
:  having nothing that corresponds to a sound or letter in orthography or etymon <intrusive \t\ in \ˈmints\ for mince>
intrusive noun
in·tru·sive·ly adverb
in·tru·sive·ness noun

Examples of INTRUSIVE

  1. a loud and intrusive person
  2. She tried to be helpful without being intrusive.
  3. Intrusive reporters disturbed their privacy.

First Known Use of INTRUSIVE

15th century

Synonym Discussion of INTRUSIVE

impertinent, officious, meddlesome, intrusive, obtrusive mean given to thrusting oneself into the affairs of others. impertinent implies exceeding the bounds of propriety in showing interest or curiosity or in offering advice <resented their impertinent interference>. officious implies the offering of services or attentions that are unwelcome or annoying <officious friends made the job harder>. meddlesome stresses an annoying and usually prying interference in others' affairs <a meddlesome landlord>. intrusive implies a tactless or otherwise objectionable thrusting into others' affairs <tried to be helpful without being intrusive>. obtrusive stresses improper or offensive conspicuousness of interfering actions <expressed an obtrusive concern for his safety>.

Other Geology Terms

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