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Caesura | Definition of caesura by Merriam-Webster
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noun cae·su·ra \si-ˈzyr-ə, -ˈzhr-\
plural cae·suras or cae·su·rae\-ˈzyr-(ˌ)ē, -ˈzhr-\

Definition of CAESURA

in modern prosody :  a usually rhetorical break in the flow of sound in the middle of a line of verse
Greek & Latin prosody :  a break in the flow of sound in a verse caused by the ending of a word within a foot
:  a pause marking a rhythmic point of division in a melody
cae·su·ral \-ˈzyr-əl, -ˈzhr-\ adjective

Origin of CAESURA

Late Latin, from Latin, act of cutting, from caedere to cut
First Known Use: 1556

Other Literature Terms

apophasis, bathos, bildungsroman, bowdlerize, coda, doggerel, euphemism, poesy, prosody

Rhymes with CAESURA

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