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v. shuf·fled, shuf·fling, shuf·fles
1. To move with short sliding steps, without or barely lifting the feet: The crowd shuffled out of the theater.
2. To dance casually with sliding and tapping steps.
3. To shift from position to position or move from place to place: shuffled around looking for work.
4. To present, play, or display (music or video files) in random order.
5. Games To mix playing cards, tiles, or dominoes together so as to make their order random.
6. Archaic To act in a shifty or deceitful manner; equivocate.
1. To slide (the feet) along the floor or ground while walking.
2. To move (things, for example) from one place or position to another; transfer or shift: shuffle around the cushions on the couch.
3. To put quickly or furtively; shunt: shuffled the bill under a pile of junk mail.
4. To present, play, or display music or video files in random order.
5. Games To mix together (playing cards or tiles, for example) so as to make a random order of arrangement.
1. A short sliding step or movement, or a walk characterized by such steps.
2. A dance in which the feet slide along or move close to the floor.
3. A confused mixture or state of things; a jumble: The letter got lost in the shuffle.
4. A feature on a music or video player that plays music or other files in a random order.
5. Games
a. An act of shuffling cards, dominoes, or tiles.
b. A player's right or turn to do this.
6. Archaic An evasive or deceitful action; an equivocation.
Phrasal Verb:
shuffle off
1. To get rid of; dispose of.
2. To evade or shirk (a responsibility, for example).
3. Informal To leave; depart.

[Middle English shovelen, probably of Middle Dutch or Middle Low German origin.]

shuf′fler n.


1. to walk or move (the feet) with a slow dragging motion
2. to change the position of (something), esp quickly or in order to deceive others
3. (tr) to mix together in a careless manner: he shuffled the papers nervously.
4. (Card Games) to mix up (cards in a pack) to change their order
5. (intr) to behave in an awkward, evasive, or underhand manner; equivocate
6. (when: intr, often foll by into or out of) to move or cause to move clumsily: he shuffled out of the door.
7. (Dancing) (intr) to dance the shuffle
8. the act or an instance of shuffling
9. (Dancing) a dance or dance step with short dragging movements of the feet
[C16: probably from Low German schüffeln; see shove]
ˈshuffler n


(ˈʃʌf əl)

v. -fled, -fling,
n. v.i.
1. to walk without lifting the feet; shamble.
2. to slide the feet lazily in dancing.
3. to move clumsily (usu. fol. by into): to shuffle into one's clothes.
4. to act evasively: to shuffle out of one's responsibilities.
5. to intermix playing cards or the like.
6. to move (one's feet) along the ground or floor without lifting them.
7. to move (objects) this way and that.
8. to rearrange in random order: to shuffle playing cards.
9. shuffle off,
a. to move or go away.
b. to thrust aside.
10. a scraping or sliding movement, esp. a dragging gait.
11. an evasive trick; evasion.
12. an act or instance of shuffling something, as cards.
13. the right or turn to shuffle cards before dealing.
14. a dance in which the feet are shuffled.
[1525–35; < Low German schuffeln]
shuf′fler, n.


Past participle: shuffled
Gerund: shuffling

I shuffle
you shuffle
he/she/it shuffles
we shuffle
you shuffle
they shuffle
I shuffled
you shuffled
he/she/it shuffled
we shuffled
you shuffled
they shuffled
Present Continuous
I am shuffling
you are shuffling
he/she/it is shuffling
we are shuffling
you are shuffling
they are shuffling
Present Perfect
I have shuffled
you have shuffled
he/she/it has shuffled
we have shuffled
you have shuffled
they have shuffled
Past Continuous
I was shuffling
you were shuffling
he/she/it was shuffling
we were shuffling
you were shuffling
they were shuffling
Past Perfect
I had shuffled
you had shuffled
he/she/it had shuffled
we had shuffled
you had shuffled
they had shuffled
I will shuffle
you will shuffle
he/she/it will shuffle
we will shuffle
you will shuffle
they will shuffle
Future Perfect
I will have shuffled
you will have shuffled
he/she/it will have shuffled
we will have shuffled
you will have shuffled
they will have shuffled
Future Continuous
I will be shuffling
you will be shuffling
he/she/it will be shuffling
we will be shuffling
you will be shuffling
they will be shuffling
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been shuffling
you have been shuffling
he/she/it has been shuffling
we have been shuffling
you have been shuffling
they have been shuffling
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been shuffling
you will have been shuffling
he/she/it will have been shuffling
we will have been shuffling
you will have been shuffling
they will have been shuffling
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been shuffling
you had been shuffling
he/she/it had been shuffling
we had been shuffling
you had been shuffling
they had been shuffling
I would shuffle
you would shuffle
he/she/it would shuffle
we would shuffle
you would shuffle
they would shuffle
Past Conditional
I would have shuffled
you would have shuffled
he/she/it would have shuffled
we would have shuffled
you would have shuffled
they would have shuffled
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.shuffle - the act of mixing cards haphazardlyshuffle - the act of mixing cards haphazardly
reordering - a rearrangement in a different order
reshuffling, reshuffle - shuffling again; "the gambler demanded a reshuffle"
riffle - shuffling by splitting the pack and interweaving the two halves at their corners
card game, cards - a game played with playing cards
2.shuffle - walking with a slow dragging motion without lifting your feet; "from his shambling I assumed he was very old"
walk, walking - the act of traveling by foot; "walking is a healthy form of exercise"
Verb1.shuffle - walk by dragging one's feet; "he shuffled out of the room"; "We heard his feet shuffling down the hall"
walk - use one's feet to advance; advance by steps; "Walk, don't run!"; "We walked instead of driving"; "She walks with a slight limp"; "The patient cannot walk yet"; "Walk over to the cabinet"
scuff, drag - walk without lifting the feet
2.shuffle - move about, move back and forth; "He shuffled his funds among different accounts in various countries so as to avoid the IRS"
shift, transfer - move around; "transfer the packet from his trouser pockets to a pocket in his jacket"
3.shuffle - mix so as to make a random order or arrangementshuffle - mix so as to make a random order or arrangement; "shuffle the cards"
manipulate - hold something in one's hands and move it
reshuffle - shuffle again; "So as to prevent cheating, he was asked to reshuffle the cards"
riffle - shuffle (playing cards) by separating the deck into two parts and riffling with the thumbs so the cards intermix
cut - divide a deck of cards at random into two parts to make selection difficult; "Wayne cut"; "She cut the deck for a long time"


1. shamble, stagger, stumble, lumber, dodder She shuffled across the kitchen.
2. scuffle, drag, scrape, scuff He shuffled his feet along the gravel path.
3. rearrange, jumble, reorganize, mix, shift, disorder, disarrange, intermix The silence lengthened as he unnecessarily shuffled some papers.


1. To drag (the feet) along the floor or ground while walking:
2. To mix together so as to change the order of arrangement:
Games: riffle.
3. To proceed or perform in an unsteady, faltering manner:
4. To use evasive or deliberately vague language:
Informal: pussyfoot, waffle.
5. To stray from truthfulness or sincerity:
The use or an instance of equivocal language:
Informal: waffle.


A. N
1. to walk with a shufflecaminar arrastrando los pies
2. (Cards) to give the cards a shufflebarajar (las cartas)
whose shuffle is it?¿a quién le toca barajar?
1. [+ feet] → arrastrar
2. (= mix up) [+ papers] → revolver, traspapelar; [+ cards] → barajar
3. (= move) to shuffle sb asideapartar a algn, relegar a algn a un puesto menos importante
1. (= walk) → arrastrar los pies
to shuffle aboutmoverse de un lado para otro
to shuffle in/outentrar/salir arrastrando los pies
2. (Cards) → barajar
shuffle off
A. VI + ADVmarcharse arrastrando los pies
B. VT + ADV [+ garment] → despojarse de (fig) [+ responsibility] → rechazar
to shuffle sth offdeshacerse de algo


n (= slow walk) → marche f traînante
The prisoners began their shuffle around the yard → Les prisonniers ont commencé leur marche traînante autour de la cour.
[+ cards] → battre
(= move around) [+ documents, papers] → déplacer, remuer
to shuffle one's feet (when walking)traîner les pieds; (in embarrassment)danser d'un pied sur l'autre
vitraîner les pieds
to shuffle out of the room → sortir de la pièce en traînant les pieds


Schlurfen nt no pl; to walk with a shuffleschlurfen
(= dance)Shuffle m
(Cards) to give the cards a shuffledie Karten mischen
(= change round)Umstellung f; (of jobs)Umbesetzung f; the latest shuffle of the cabinetdie letzte Kabinettsumbildung; to get lost in the shuffle (people)in der Menge untergehen; (things)verloren gehen
he shuffled his feet as he walkeder schlurfte beim Gehen; he sat there shuffling his feeter saß da und scharrte mit den Füßen
cardsmischen; he shuffled the papers on his desker durchwühlte die Papiere auf seinem Schreibtisch
(fig: = change round) cabinetumbilden; jobsumbesetzen; top men are shuffled around quite oftendie Männer an der Spitze werden oft von einem Ressort ins andere versetzt
(= walk)schlurfen; the dancers shuffled around on the floordie Tänzer schoben sich über die Tanzfläche; he just shuffles through lifeer lässt sich einfach treiben
(Cards) → mischen


1. n
b. (Cards) → mescolata, scozzata
to give the cards a shuffle → dare una mescolata alle carte
2. vt
a. (feet) → strascicare
b. (mix up, cards) → mescolare, scozzare; (papers) → mettere sottosopra
3. vi (walk) → strascicare i piedi
to shuffle in/out → entrare/uscire con passo strascicato


(ˈʃafl) verb
1. to move (one's feet) along the ground etc without lifting them. Do stop shuffling (your feet)!; The old man shuffled along the street.
2. to mix (playing-cards etc). It's your turn to shuffle (the cards).
an act of shuffling. He gave the cards a shuffle.


يَجُرُّ رِجْلَيْه šourat se sjokke schlurfen σέρνω τたうαあるふぁ πόδια μみゅーοおみくろんυうぷしろん arrastrar los pies laahustaa se traîner vući se mescolare あしをひきずってある 발을 끌며 걷다 schuifelen slepe przestawić arrastar os pés шаркать blanda เดินลากเท้า ayaklarını sürüyerek yürümek lê bước 拖曳
References in classic literature ?
Did I not foresee--have I not already told you, that whatever he was asked he would refuse to answer, and try irony or any other shuffle, in order that he might avoid answering?
And lest you should shuffle in your reply I shall mention a notable passage that has come to my ears.
Chizzle, Mizzle, or otherwise was particularly engaged and had appointments until dinner, may have got an extra moral twist and shuffle into themselves out of Jarndyce and Jarndyce.