junk mail

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junk mail

Third-class mail, such as advertisements, mailed indiscriminately in large quantities.

junk mail

1. (Marketing) untargeted mail advertising goods or services

junk′ mail`

unsolicited commercial material, as advertisements and requests for donations, mailed in bulk.
[1950–55, Amer.]
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.junk mail - third-class mail consisting of advertising and often addressed to `resident' or `occupant'junk mail - third-class mail consisting of advertising and often addressed to `resident' or `occupant'
third class, third-class mail - mail consisting of printed matter qualifying for reduced postal rates

junk mail

nposta spazzatura f inv

junk mail

بَرِيدٌ غَيْرُ مَرْغُوبٌ reklamní letáky zasílané poštou junk mail Postwurfsendung ανεπιθύμητη αλληλογραφία correo basura roskaposti courrier indésirable bezvrijedna pošta posta pubblicitaria ジャンクメール 스팸메일 huis-aan-huispost reklamepost niepożądane przesyłki correspondência indesejada почтовый мусор skräppost จดหมายขยะ istenmeyen posta thư rác 垃圾邮件