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also junk·y  (jŭng′kē)
n. pl. junk·ies Slang
1. A narcotics addict, especially one using heroin.
2. One who has an insatiable interest or devotion: a sports junkie.


(ˈdʒʌŋkɪ) or junky
n, pl junkies
1. (Recreational Drugs) an informal word for a drug addict, esp one who injects heroin into himself


or junk•y

(ˈdʒʌŋ ki)

n., pl. junk•ies. Informal.
1. a drug addict, esp. one addicted to heroin.
2. a person with an insatiable craving for something: a chocolate junkie.
3. an enthusiastic follower; devotee: a baseball junkie.
[1920–25, Amer.]
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.junkie - a narcotics addictjunkie - a narcotics addict      
addict - someone who is physiologically dependent on a substance; abrupt deprivation of the substance produces withdrawal symptoms
cocaine addict - a person addicted to cocaine
binger, crack addict - someone addicted to crack cocaine
heroin addict - someone addicted to heroin
opium addict, opium taker - someone addicted to opium
withdrawer - a drug addict who is discontinuing the use of narcotics
2.junkie - someone who is so ardently devoted to something that it resembles an addictionjunkie - someone who is so ardently devoted to something that it resembles an addiction; "a golf addict"; "a car nut"; "a bodybuilding freak"; "a news junkie"
enthusiast, partizan, partisan - an ardent and enthusiastic supporter of some person or activity
gym rat - someone who spends all leisure time playing sports or working out in a gymnasium or health spa


1. addict, user, drug addict, druggie (informal), head (slang), freak (informal), mainliner (slang), smackhead (slang), pill-popper (slang), pothead (slang), cokehead (slang), acidhead (slang), hashhead (slang), weedhead (slang) a heroin junkie in a TV drama
2. lover, fan, supporter, follower, enthusiast, freak (informal), admirer, buff (informal), fanatic, devotee, fiend (informal), zealot, aficionado a vinyl junkie


[ˈdʒʌŋkɪ] N (= drug addict) → yonqui mf; (= esp of heroin) → heroinómano/a m/f
chocolate junkieadicto/a m/f al chocolate


[ˈdʒʌŋki] n (= drug user) → junkie mf, drogué(e) m/fjunk mail ncourrier m indésirablejunk room n (US)débarras mjunk shop nbrocante f


n (inf)Fixer(in) m(f) (inf), → Junkie m (inf); fast food junkieFan mvon Fastfood; computer junkieComputerfreak m (sl)


junky [ˈdʒʌŋkɪ] n (fam) → tossico/a


(ˈdʒaŋki) noun
a slang word for a person who is addicted to drugs, especially heroin.


a. slang, [rel. to drug addiction], vicioso; a, narcómano-a, Mex. tecato-a.


n (vulg) adicto -ta mf a la heroína
References in periodicals archive ?
Many folks brook no sympathy for heroin addicts and are likely at this very moment screaming at their newspaper or computer screen that the world has gone mad if we can't call an addict a junkie.
Music Festival Junkie Lineup Sampler: Kanye West, Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers, The Killers, Macklemore & Ryan Lewis, Arctic Monkeys, Tiesto, Death Cab For Cutie and The Flaming Lips.
Boasting an online, in-stock inventory of over 4,500 authentic trademark name perfumes and colognes, Perfume Junkie credits low overhead combined with bulk pricing towards their deep discounts.