jump bail

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jump bail

v. to fail to appear for a court appearance after depositing (posting) bail with the intention of avoiding prosecution, sentencing or going to jail. Posting bail guarantees that the accused person will give up the money if he/she does not show up in court. It allows the accused person to remain free pending the final decision on his/her criminal case. In some circumstances a criminal defendant can be declared to have jumped bail even before missing an appearance in court, if it is discovered he/she has left the state, the country, disappeared or made plans to flee. At that point the court can revoke the bail and issue a warrant for the defendant's arrest. It is also called "skipping" bail. (See: bail, bail bond, bail bondsman)

References in periodicals archive ?
The case of Shahin has rumbled on for five years and had previously seen the Lebanese born US businessman go on hunger strike while in jail and at one point jump bail and flee to Yemen before being recaptured.
A HEROIN addict whose father helped him jump bail in order to go 'cold turkey' has been given a final chance, a court heard.
CRIMINALS who jump bail or commit offences while awaiting trial will be jailed, under a new crackdown to be unveiled today.