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UN | Definition of UN by Merriam-Webster
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Definition of UN

  1. United Nations



prefix \ˌən, often ˈən before ˈ-stressed syllable\

Definition of un-

  1. 1 :  not :  in-, non- —in adjectives formed from adjectives <unambitious> <unskilled> or participles <undressed>, in nouns formed from nouns <unavailability>, and rarely in verbs formed from verbs <unbe> —sometimes in words that have a meaning that merely negates that of the base word and are thereby distinguished from words that prefix in- or a variant of it (as im-) to the same base word and have a meaning positively opposite to that of the base word <unartistic> <unmoral>

  2. 2 :  opposite of :  contrary to —in adjectives formed from adjectives <unconstitutional> <ungraceful> <unmannered> or participles <unbelieving> and in nouns formed from nouns <unrest>

Origin of un-

Middle English, from Old English; akin to Old High German un- un-, Latin in-, Greek a-, an-, Old English ne not — more at no




Definition of un-

  1. 1 :  do the opposite of :  reverse (a specified action) :  de- 1a, dis- 1a —in verbs formed from verbs <unbend> <undress> <unfold>

  2. 2 a :  deprive of :  remove (a specified thing) from :  remove —in verbs formed from nouns <unfrock> <unsex> b :  release from :  free from —in verbs formed from nouns <unhand> c :  remove from :  extract from :  bring out of —in verbs formed from nouns <unbosom> d :  cause to cease to be —in verbs formed from nouns <unman>

  3. 3 :  completely <unloose>

  1. un·abrad·ed

  2. un·ab·sorbed

  3. un·ab·sor·bent

  4. un·ac·a·dem·ic

  5. un·ac·a·dem·i·cal·ly

  6. un·ac·cent·ed

  7. un·ac·cept·ed

  8. un·ac·cli·mat·ed

  9. un·ac·cli·ma·tized

  10. un·ac·com·mo·dat·ed

  11. un·ac·com·mo·dat·ing

  12. un·ac·cred·it·ed

  13. un·ac·cul·tur·at·ed

  14. un·achieved

  15. un·ac·knowl·edged

  16. un·ac·quaint·ed

  17. un·act·able

  18. un·act·ed

  19. un·ac·tor·ish

  20. un·adapt·able

  21. un·adapt·ed

  22. un·ad·dressed

  23. un·ad·ju·di·cat·ed

  24. un·ad·just·ed

  25. un·ad·mired

  26. un·ad·mit·ted

  27. un·adopt·able

  28. un·adult

  29. un·ad·ven·tur·ous

  30. un·ad·ver·tised

  31. un·aes·thet·ic

  32. un·af·fect·ing

  33. un·af·fec·tion·ate

  34. un·af·fec·tion·ate·ly

  35. un·af·fil·i·at·ed

  36. un·af·flu·ent

  37. un·af·ford·able

  38. un·afraid

  39. un·ag·gres·sive

  40. un·aid·ed

  41. un·air–con·di·tioned

  42. un·akin

  43. un·alien·at·ed

  44. un·alike

  45. un·al·le·vi·at·ed

  46. un·al·lo·cat·ed

  47. un·al·lur·ing

  48. un·al·tered

  49. un·am·bi·tious

  50. un·ame·na·ble

  51. un·amend·ed

  52. un·ami·a·ble

  53. un·am·or·tized

  54. un·am·pli·fied

  55. un·amus·ing

  56. un·an·a·lyz·able

  57. un·an·a·lyzed

  58. un·anes·the·tized

  59. un·an·no·tat·ed

  60. un·an·nounced

  61. un·apol·o·giz·ing

  62. un·ap·par·ent

  63. un·ap·peased

  64. un·ap·pre·ci·at·ed

  65. un·ap·pre·cia·tive

  66. un·ap·pro·pri·at·ed

  67. un·ap·proved

  68. un·ar·mored

  69. un·ar·ro·gant

  70. un·ar·tis·tic

  71. un·as·pi·rat·ed

  72. un·as·sailed

  73. un·as·sem·bled

  74. un·as·signed

  75. un·as·sim·i·la·ble

  76. un·as·sim·i·lat·ed

  77. un·as·so·ci·at·ed

  78. un·as·suaged

  79. un·ath·let·ic

  80. un·at·tain·able

  81. un·at·tend·ed

  82. un·at·ten·u·at·ed

  83. un·at·test·ed

  84. un·at·trib·ut·able

  85. un·at·trib·ut·ed

  86. un·at·tuned

  87. un·au·dit·ed

  88. un·au·then·tic

  89. un·au·tho·rized

  90. un·au·to·mat·ed

  91. un·avail·abil·i·ty

  92. un·avail·able

  93. un·av·er·age

  94. un·avowed

  95. un·awak·ened

  96. un·award·ed

  97. un·awe·some

  98. un·ban

  99. un·bap·tized

  100. un·barbed

  101. un·bar·ri·cad·ed

  102. un·be·hold·en

  103. un·bel·lig·er·ent

  104. un·be·loved

  105. un·be·mused

  106. un·billed

  107. un·bit·ten

  108. un·bit·ter

  109. un·bleached

  110. un·blem·ished

  111. un·blend·ed

  112. un·blink·ered

  113. un·book·ish

  114. un·bowd·ler·ized

  115. un·brack·et·ed

  116. un·brake

  117. un·breach·able

  118. un·break·able

  119. un·bridge·able

  120. un·bridged

  121. un·briefed

  122. un·bright

  123. un·bril·liant

  124. un·bruised

  125. un·brushed

  126. un·bud·get·ed

  127. un·buf·fered

  128. un·build·able

  129. un·bulky

  130. un·bu·reau·crat·ic

  131. un·bur·ied

  132. un·burn·able

  133. un·burned

  134. un·burnt

  135. un·busi·ness·like

  136. un·busy

  137. un·but·tered

  138. un·cal·ci·fied

  139. un·cal·cined

  140. un·cal·i·brat·ed

  141. un·called

  142. un·cal·loused

  143. un·can·celed

  144. un·can·did

  145. un·can·did·ly

  146. un·ca·non·i·cal

  147. un·cap

  148. un·cap·i·tal·ized

  149. un·cap·tioned

  150. un·cap·tur·able

  151. un·cared–for

  152. un·car·ing

  153. un·car·pet·ed

  154. un·case

  155. un·cas·trat·ed

  156. un·cat·a·loged

  157. un·catch·able

  158. un·catchy

  159. un·cat·e·go·riz·able

  160. un·caught

  161. un·cen·sored

  162. un·cen·so·ri·ous

  163. un·cen·sured

  164. un·cer·ti·fied

  165. un·chal·lenge·able

  166. un·chal·lenged

  167. un·chal·leng·ing

  168. un·changed

  169. un·chan·neled

  170. un·chap·er·oned

  171. un·char·is·mat·ic

  172. un·charm·ing

  173. un·chart·ered

  174. un·chau·vin·is·tic

  175. un·check·able

  176. un·checked

  177. un·chew·able

  178. un·chewed

  179. un·chic

  180. un·child·like

  181. un·chlo·ri·nat·ed

  182. un·cho·reo·graphed

  183. un·chris·tened

  184. un·chron·i·cled

  185. un·chro·no·log·i·cal

  186. un·church·ly

  187. un·cil·i·at·ed

  188. un·cin·e·mat·ic

  189. un·clad

  190. un·claimed

  191. un·clar·i·fied

  192. un·clas·si·fi·able

  193. un·cleaned

  194. un·clear

  195. un·cli·chéd

  196. un·clip

  197. un·cloy·ing

  198. un·co·alesce

  199. un·coat·ed

  200. un·cod·ed

  201. un·cod·i·fied

  202. un·co·erced

  203. un·co·er·cive

  204. un·co·er·cive·ly

  205. un·col·lect·ed

  206. un·col·lect·ible

  207. un·co·lored

  208. un·com·bat·ive

  209. un·combed

  210. un·com·bined

  211. un·come·ly

  212. un·com·ic

  213. un·com·mer·cial·ized

  214. un·com·pas·sion·ate

  215. un·com·pel·ling

  216. un·com·pen·sat·ed

  217. un·com·pla·cent

  218. un·com·plet·ed

  219. un·com·pound·ed

  220. un·com·pre·hend·ed

  221. un·com·pressed

  222. un·com·pu·ter·ized

  223. un·con·cealed

  224. un·con·fessed

  225. un·con·fined

  226. un·con·firmed

  227. un·con·found·ed

  228. un·con·fuse

  229. un·con·ju·gat·ed

  230. un·con·nect·ed

  231. un·con·quered

  232. un·con·se·crat·ed

  233. un·con·strained

  234. un·con·strict·ed

  235. un·con·struc·tive

  236. un·con·sumed

  237. un·con·sum·mat·ed

  238. un·con·tain·able

  239. un·con·tam·i·nat·ed

  240. un·con·tem·plat·ed

  241. un·con·tem·po·rary

  242. un·con·ten·tious

  243. un·con·test·ed

  244. un·con·tract·ed

  245. un·con·tra·dict·ed

  246. un·con·trived

  247. un·con·trolled

  248. un·con·tro·ver·sial

  249. un·con·tro·ver·sial·ly

  250. un·con·vert·ed

  251. un·con·vinced

  252. un·con·voyed

  253. un·cooked

  254. un·cooled

  255. un·co·op·er·a·tive

  256. un·co·or·di·nat·ed

  257. un·copy·right·able

  258. un·cor·rect·able

  259. un·cor·rect·ed

  260. un·cor·re·lat·ed

  261. un·cor·rob·o·rat·ed

  262. un·cor·rupt

  263. un·count·able

  264. un·cou·ra·geous

  265. un·coy

  266. un·cracked

  267. un·crate

  268. un·cra·zy

  269. un·cre·a·tive

  270. un·cre·den·tialed

  271. un·cred·it·ed

  272. un·crip·pled

  273. un·cropped

  274. un·cross·able

  275. un·crowd·ed

  276. un·crush·able

  277. un·crys·tal·lized

  278. un·cuff

  279. un·cul·ti·va·ble

  280. un·cul·ti·vat·ed

  281. un·cul·tured

  282. un·cured

  283. un·cu·ri·ous

  284. un·cur·rent

  285. un·cur·tained

  286. un·cus·tom·ar·i·ly

  287. un·cus·tom·ary

  288. un·cute

  289. un·cyn·i·cal

  290. un·cyn·i·cal·ly

  291. un·dam·aged

  292. un·damped

  293. un·dance·able

  294. un·dat·ed

  295. un·dec·a·dent

  296. un·de·cid·abil·i·ty

  297. un·de·cid·able

  298. un·de·cid·ed

  299. un·de·ci·pher·able

  300. un·de·ci·phered

  301. un·de·clared

  302. un·de·com·posed

  303. un·dec·o·rat·ed

  304. un·ded·i·cat·ed

  305. un·de·feat·ed

  306. un·de·fend·ed

  307. un·de·filed

  308. un·de·fin·able

  309. un·de·fined

  310. un·de·fo·li·at·ed

  311. un·de·formed

  312. un·del·e·gat·ed

  313. un·de·liv·er·able

  314. un·de·liv·ered

  315. un·de·lud·ed

  316. un·de·mand·ing

  317. un·de·nom·i·na·tion·al

  318. un·de·pend·able

  319. un·de·scrib·able

  320. un·de·served

  321. un·de·serv·ing

  322. un·des·ig·nat·ed

  323. un·de·sired

  324. un·de·tect·able

  325. un·de·tect·ed

  326. un·de·ter·min·able

  327. un·de·ter·mined

  328. un·de·terred

  329. un·de·vel·oped

  330. un·di·ag·nos·able

  331. un·di·ag·nosed

  332. un·di·a·lec·ti·cal

  333. un·di·dac·tic

  334. un·dif·fer·en·ti·at·ed

  335. un·di·gest·ed

  336. un·di·gest·ible

  337. un·dig·ni·fied

  338. un·di·lut·ed

  339. un·di·min·ished

  340. un·dimmed

  341. un·dis·charged

  342. un·dis·ci·plined

  343. un·dis·closed

  344. un·dis·cour·aged

  345. un·dis·cov·er·able

  346. un·dis·cov·ered

  347. un·dis·crim·i·nat·ing

  348. un·dis·cussed

  349. un·dis·mayed

  350. un·dis·pu·ta·ble

  351. un·dis·put·ed

  352. un·dis·solved

  353. un·dis·tin·guished

  354. un·dis·tort·ed

  355. un·dis·tract·ed

  356. un·dis·trib·ut·ed

  357. un·dis·turbed

  358. un·di·vid·ed

  359. un·do·able

  360. un·doc·ile

  361. un·doc·tored

  362. un·doc·tri·naire

  363. un·do·mes·tic

  364. un·do·mes·ti·cat·ed

  365. un·dot·ted

  366. un·doubt·able

  367. un·doubt·ing

  368. un·drained

  369. un·dra·ma·tized

  370. un·drilled

  371. un·dubbed

  372. un·dulled

  373. un·du·pli·cat·ed

  374. un·dyed

  375. un·dy·nam·ic

  376. un·ea·ger

  377. un·ear·marked

  378. un·eat·able

  379. un·eat·en

  380. un·ec·cen·tric

  381. un·eco·log·i·cal

  382. un·ed·i·fy·ing

  383. un·ed·u·ca·ble

  384. un·ed·u·cat·ed

  385. un·elab·o·rate

  386. un·elect·able

  387. un·elect·ed

  388. un·elec·tri·fied

  389. un·em·bar·rassed

  390. un·em·bel·lished

  391. un·em·bit·tered

  392. un·em·phat·ic

  393. un·em·phat·i·cal·ly

  394. un·em·pir·i·cal

  395. un·en·chant·ed

  396. un·en·closed

  397. un·en·cour·ag·ing

  398. un·en·dear·ing

  399. un·en·dur·able

  400. un·en·dur·able·ness

  401. un·en·dur·ably

  402. un·en·force·able

  403. un·en·forced

  404. un·en·larged

  405. un·en·light·ened

  406. un·en·light·en·ing

  407. un·en·riched

  408. un·en·ter·pris·ing

  409. un·en·thu·si·as·tic

  410. un·en·thu·si·as·ti·cal·ly

  411. un·en·vi·able

  412. un·en·vi·ous

  413. un·erot·ic

  414. un·es·cap·able

  415. un·es·cort·ed

  416. un·es·tab·lished

  417. un·eth·i·cal

  418. un·eval·u·at·ed

  419. un·ex·am·ined

  420. un·ex·celled

  421. un·ex·cit·able

  422. un·ex·cit·ed

  423. un·ex·cit·ing

  424. un·ex·cused

  425. un·ex·ot·ic

  426. un·ex·pend·ed

  427. un·ex·pired

  428. un·ex·plain·able

  429. un·ex·plained

  430. un·ex·plod·ed

  431. un·ex·plored

  432. un·ex·posed

  433. un·ex·pressed

  434. un·ex·pur·gat·ed

  435. un·ex·traor·di·nary

  436. un·faked

  437. un·fa·mous

  438. un·fan·cy

  439. un·fas·tid·i·ous

  440. un·fea·si·ble

  441. un·felt

  442. un·fem·i·nine

  443. un·fenced

  444. un·fer·ment·ed

  445. un·fer·tile

  446. un·fer·til·ized

  447. un·filled

  448. un·film·able

  449. un·fired

  450. un·flam·boy·ant

  451. un·flashy

  452. un·fly·able

  453. un·fond

  454. un·forced

  455. un·fore·see·able

  456. un·fore·seen

  457. un·for·est·ed

  458. un·for·giv·able

  459. un·forked

  460. un·for·mu·lat·ed

  461. un·forth·com·ing

  462. un·for·ti·fied

  463. un·fos·sil·if·er·ous

  464. un·framed

  465. un·free

  466. un·free·dom

  467. un·friv·o·lous

  468. un·ful·fill·able

  469. un·ful·filled

  470. un·fun·ny

  471. un·fur·nished

  472. un·fused

  473. un·gal·lant

  474. un·gal·lant·ly

  475. un·gar·nished

  476. un·ge·nial

  477. un·gen·teel

  478. un·gen·tle

  479. un·gen·tle·man·ly

  480. un·gen·tri·fied

  481. un·ger·mi·nat·ed

  482. un·gift·ed

  483. un·gim·micky

  484. un·glam·or·ized

  485. un·glam·or·ous

  486. un·glazed

  487. un·grace·ful

  488. un·grace·ful·ly

  489. un·grad·ed

  490. un·grasp·able

  491. un·ground

  492. un·grouped

  493. un·guess·able

  494. un·guid·ed

  495. un·hack·neyed

  496. un·ham·pered

  497. un·harmed

  498. un·har·ness

  499. un·har·vest·ed

  500. un·hatched

  501. un·healed

  502. un·health·ful

  503. un·heat·ed

  504. un·hedged

  505. un·heed·ed

  506. un·heed·ing

  507. un·help·ful

  508. un·help·ful·ly

  509. un·her·ald·ed

  510. un·he·ro·ic

  511. un·hin·dered

  512. un·hip

  513. un·his·tor·i·cal

  514. un·ho·mog·e·nized

  515. un·hon·ored

  516. un·hope·ful

  517. un·housed

  518. un·hu·mor·ous

  519. un·hurt

  520. un·hy·dro·lyzed

  521. un·hy·gien·ic

  522. un·hy·phen·at·ed

  523. un·hys·ter·i·cal

  524. un·hys·ter·i·cal·ly

  525. un·iden·ti·fi·able

  526. un·iden·ti·fied

  527. un·ideo·log·i·cal

  528. un·id·i·om·at·ic

  529. un·ig·nor·able

  530. un·il·lu·mi·nat·ing

  531. un·imag·i·na·tive

  532. un·imag·i·na·tive·ly

  533. un·im·mu·nized

  534. un·im·paired

  535. un·im·pas·sioned

  536. un·im·ped·ed

  537. un·im·por·tant

  538. un·im·pos·ing

  539. un·im·pressed

  540. un·im·pres·sive

  541. un·in·cor·po·rat·ed

  542. un·in·dexed

  543. un·in·dict·ed

  544. un·in·dus·tri·al·ized

  545. un·in·fect·ed

  546. un·in·flat·ed

  547. un·in·flect·ed

  548. un·in·flu·enced

  549. un·in·for·ma·tive

  550. un·in·for·ma·tive·ly

  551. un·in·formed

  552. un·in·gra·ti·at·ing

  553. un·in·hab·it·able

  554. un·in·hab·it·ed

  555. un·ini·ti·at·ed

  556. un·in·jured

  557. un·in·oc·u·lat·ed

  558. un·in·spect·ed

  559. un·in·spired

  560. un·in·spir·ing

  561. un·in·struct·ed

  562. un·in·struc·tive

  563. un·in·su·lat·ed

  564. un·in·sur·able

  565. un·in·sured

  566. un·in·te·grat·ed

  567. un·in·tel·lec·tu·al

  568. un·in·tel·li·gent

  569. un·in·tel·li·gent·ly

  570. un·in·tel·li·gi·bil·i·ty

  571. un·in·tel·li·gi·ble

  572. un·in·tel·li·gi·ble·ness

  573. un·in·tel·li·gi·bly

  574. un·in·tend·ed

  575. un·in·ten·tion·al

  576. un·in·ten·tion·al·ly

  577. un·in·ter·est·ing

  578. un·in·ter·pret·able

  579. un·in·ter·rupt·ed

  580. un·in·ter·rupt·ed·ly

  581. un·in·tim·i·dat·ed

  582. un·in·ven·tive

  583. un·in·vit·ed

  584. un·in·vit·ing

  585. un·in·volved

  586. un·iron·ic

  587. un·iron·i·cal·ly

  588. un·ir·ra·di·at·ed

  589. un·ir·ri·gat·ed

  590. un·is·sued

  591. un·jad·ed

  592. un·joined

  593. un·joint·ed

  594. un·jus·ti·fi·able

  595. un·jus·ti·fi·ably

  596. un·jus·ti·fied

  597. un·kept

  598. un·kill·able

  599. un·knot

  600. un·knowl·edge·able

  601. un·ko·sher

  602. un·la·beled

  603. un·la·dy·like

  604. un·la·ment·ed

  605. un·laun·dered

  606. un·learn·able

  607. un·leav·ened

  608. un·lib·er·at·ed

  609. un·li·censed

  610. un·lik·able

  611. un·lined

  612. un·lis·ten·able

  613. un·lit

  614. un·lit·er·ary

  615. un·liv·able

  616. un·lo·cal·ized

  617. un·lov·able

  618. un·loved

  619. un·lov·ing

  620. un·lyr·i·cal

  621. un·ma·cho

  622. un·mag·ni·fied

  623. un·ma·li·cious

  624. un·ma·li·cious·ly

  625. un·man·age·able

  626. un·man·age·ably

  627. un·man·aged

  628. un·ma·nip·u·lat·ed

  629. un·mapped

  630. un·marked

  631. un·mar·ket·able

  632. un·marred

  633. un·mas·cu·line

  634. un·match·able

  635. un·matched

  636. un·meant

  637. un·mea·sur·able

  638. un·mea·sured

  639. un·mech·a·nized

  640. un·med·i·cat·ed

  641. un·me·lo·di·ous

  642. un·me·lo·di·ous·ness

  643. un·mem·o·ra·ble

  644. un·mem·o·ra·bly

  645. un·men·tioned

  646. un·mer·it·ed

  647. un·mer·ry

  648. un·met

  649. un·me·tab·o·lized

  650. un·mil·i·tary

  651. un·milled

  652. un·mined

  653. un·miss·able

  654. un·mix

  655. un·mix·able

  656. un·mixed

  657. un·mod·ern·ized

  658. un·mod·i·fied

  659. un·mod·ish

  660. un·mod·u·lat·ed

  661. un·mo·lest·ed

  662. un·mon·i·tored

  663. un·mo·ti·vat·ed

  664. un·mount·ed

  665. un·mov·able

  666. un·moved

  667. un·mu·si·cal

  668. un·name·able

  669. un·named

  670. un·need·ed

  671. un·ne·go·tia·ble

  672. un·neu·rot·ic

  673. un·news·wor·thy

  674. un·no·tice·able

  675. un·no·ticed

  676. un·nour·ish·ing

  677. un·nu·anced

  678. un·ob·jec·tion·able

  679. un·ob·serv·able

  680. un·ob·served

  681. un·ob·struct·ed

  682. un·ob·tain·able

  683. un·of·fi·cial

  684. un·of·fi·cial·ly

  685. un·open·able

  686. un·opened

  687. un·op·posed

  688. un·or·dered

  689. un·orig·i·nal

  690. un·or·na·ment·ed

  691. un·os·ten·ta·tious

  692. un·os·ten·ta·tious·ly

  693. un·owned

  694. un·ox·y·gen·at·ed

  695. un·paint·ed

  696. un·par·a·sit·ized

  697. un·par·don·able

  698. un·pass·able

  699. un·pas·teur·ized

  700. un·pas·to·ral

  701. un·pat·ent·able

  702. un·pa·tri·ot·ic

  703. un·paved

  704. un·pe·dan·tic

  705. un·peeled

  706. un·per·ceived

  707. un·per·cep·tive

  708. un·per·form·able

  709. un·per·formed

  710. un·per·suad·ed

  711. un·per·sua·sive

  712. un·per·turbed

  713. un·pic·tur·esque

  714. un·place·able

  715. un·planned

  716. un·plau·si·ble

  717. un·play·able

  718. un·pleased

  719. un·pleas·ing

  720. un·plowed

  721. un·po·et·ic

  722. un·po·liced

  723. un·pol·ished

  724. un·pol·lut·ed

  725. un·posed

  726. un·prac·ti·cal

  727. un·pre·dict·abil·i·ty

  728. un·pre·dict·able

  729. un·pre·dict·ably

  730. un·prej·u·diced

  731. un·pre·med·i·tat·ed

  732. un·pre·pared

  733. un·pre·pared·ness

  734. un·pre·pos·sess·ing

  735. un·pressed

  736. un·pres·sured

  737. un·pres·sur·ized

  738. un·pret·ty

  739. un·priv·i·leged

  740. un·prob·lem·at·ic

  741. un·pro·cessed

  742. un·pro·duced

  743. un·pro·duc·tive

  744. un·pro·fes·sion·al

  745. un·pro·gram·ma·ble

  746. un·pro·grammed

  747. un·pro·gres·sive

  748. un·prompt·ed

  749. un·pro·nounce·able

  750. un·pro·pi·tious

  751. un·pros·per·ous

  752. un·prov·able

  753. un·proved

  754. un·prov·en

  755. un·pro·voked

  756. un·pruned

  757. un·pub·li·cized

  758. un·pub·lished

  759. un·punc·tu·al

  760. un·punc·tu·al·i·ty

  761. un·punc·tu·at·ed

  762. un·pun·ished

  763. un·quan·ti·fi·able

  764. un·quench·able

  765. un·ques·tioned

  766. un·raised

  767. un·ranked

  768. un·rat·ed

  769. un·rav·ished

  770. un·reach·able

  771. un·reached

  772. un·read·able

  773. un·read·i·ness

  774. un·ready

  775. un·re·al·iz·able

  776. un·re·al·ized

  777. un·re·cep·tive

  778. un·re·claim·able

  779. un·re·claimed

  780. un·rec·og·niz·able

  781. un·rec·og·niz·ably

  782. un·rec·og·nized

  783. un·rec·on·cil·able

  784. un·rec·on·ciled

  785. un·re·cord·ed

  786. un·re·cov·er·able

  787. un·re·cov·ered

  788. un·re·cy·cla·ble

  789. un·re·deem·able

  790. un·re·deemed

  791. un·re·dressed

  792. un·re·fined

  793. un·re·flec·tive

  794. un·re·formed

  795. un·re·frig·er·at·ed

  796. un·reg·is·tered

  797. un·reg·u·lat·ed

  798. un·re·hearsed

  799. un·re·in·forced

  800. un·re·lat·ed

  801. un·re·laxed

  802. un·re·li·abil·i·ty

  803. un·re·li·able

  804. un·re·lieved

  805. un·re·liev·ed·ly

  806. un·re·luc·tant

  807. un·re·mark·able

  808. un·re·mark·ably

  809. un·re·mem·bered

  810. un·rem·i·nis·cent

  811. un·re·mov·able

  812. un·re·peat·able

  813. un·re·pen·tant

  814. un·re·pen·tant·ly

  815. un·re·port·ed

  816. un·rep·re·sen·ta·tive

  817. un·rep·re·sen·ta·tive·ness

  818. un·rep·re·sent·ed

  819. un·re·pressed

  820. un·re·sis·tant

  821. un·re·solv·able

  822. un·re·solved

  823. un·re·spect·able

  824. un·re·spon·sive

  825. un·re·spon·sive·ly

  826. un·re·spon·sive·ness

  827. un·rest·ful

  828. un·re·stored

  829. un·re·strict·ed

  830. un·re·touched

  831. un·re·turn·able

  832. un·re·vealed

  833. un·re·view·able

  834. un·re·viewed

  835. un·re·vised

  836. un·rev·o·lu·tion·ary

  837. un·re·ward·ed

  838. un·re·ward·ing

  839. un·rhe·tor·i·cal

  840. un·rhymed

  841. un·rhyth·mic

  842. un·rid·able

  843. un·ri·fled

  844. un·rip·ened

  845. un·ro·man·tic

  846. un·ro·man·ti·cal·ly

  847. un·ro·man·ti·cized

  848. un·roofed

  849. un·ruled

  850. un·rushed

  851. un·safe

  852. un·sal·able

  853. un·sal·a·ried

  854. un·salt·ed

  855. un·sal·vage·able

  856. un·sanc·tioned

  857. un·san·i·tary

  858. un·sat·is·fied

  859. un·scal·able

  860. un·scarred

  861. un·scent·ed

  862. un·sched·uled

  863. un·schol·ar·ly

  864. un·screened

  865. un·scrip·tur·al

  866. un·sea·soned

  867. un·sea·wor·thy

  868. un·se·cured

  869. un·seed·ed

  870. un·seg·ment·ed

  871. un·self–con·scious

  872. un·self–con·scious·ly

  873. un·self–con·scious·ness

  874. un·sell·able

  875. un·sen·sa·tion·al

  876. un·sen·si·tized

  877. un·sent

  878. un·sen·ti·men·tal

  879. un·sep·a·rat·ed

  880. un·se·ri·ous

  881. un·se·ri·ous·ness

  882. un·served

  883. un·ser·vice·able

  884. un·sex·u·al

  885. un·sexy

  886. un·shad·ed

  887. un·shak·able

  888. un·shak·ably

  889. un·shak·en

  890. un·shape·ly

  891. un·shared

  892. un·sharp

  893. un·shav·en

  894. un·shelled

  895. un·shock·able

  896. un·shorn

  897. un·showy

  898. un·signed

  899. un·sink·able

  900. un·sized

  901. un·slaked

  902. un·slick

  903. un·smart

  904. un·smil·ing

  905. un·smoothed

  906. un·soiled

  907. un·sol·dier·ly

  908. un·so·lic·it·ed

  909. un·solv·able

  910. un·solved

  911. un·sort·ed

  912. un·sound·ed

  913. un·sourced

  914. un·sown

  915. un·spe·cial·ized

  916. un·spec·i·fi·able

  917. un·spe·cif·ic

  918. un·spec·i·fied

  919. un·spec·tac·u·lar

  920. un·spent

  921. un·spir·i·tu·al

  922. un·split

  923. un·spoiled

  924. un·spoilt

  925. un·spo·ken

  926. un·sprayed

  927. un·stained

  928. un·stan·dard·ized

  929. un·star·tling

  930. un·stat·ed

  931. un·stayed

  932. un·ster·ile

  933. un·ster·il·ized

  934. un·stint·ed

  935. un·stitch

  936. un·stop·per

  937. un·strained

  938. un·strat·i·fied

  939. un·stuffy

  940. un·styl·ish

  941. un·sub·dued

  942. un·sub·si·dized

  943. un·sub·stan·ti·at·ed

  944. un·sub·tle

  945. un·sub·tly

  946. un·suc·cess

  947. un·suit·abil·ity

  948. un·suit·able

  949. un·suit·ably

  950. un·suit·ed

  951. un·sul·lied

  952. un·su·per·vised

  953. un·sup·port·able

  954. un·sup·port·ed

  955. un·sure

  956. un·sur·pass·able

  957. un·sur·passed

  958. un·sur·prised

  959. un·sus·cep·ti·ble

  960. un·sus·pect·ed

  961. un·sus·pect·ing

  962. un·sus·pi·cious

  963. un·sus·tain·able

  964. un·sweet·ened

  965. un·sym·pa·thet·ic

  966. un·sym·pa·thet·i·cal·ly

  967. un·syn·chro·nized

  968. un·sys·tem·at·ic

  969. un·sys·tem·at·i·cal·ly

  970. un·sys·tem·a·tized

  971. un·tact·ful

  972. un·tagged

  973. un·taint·ed

  974. un·tal·ent·ed

  975. un·tam·able

  976. un·tamed

  977. un·tanned

  978. un·tar·nished

  979. un·taxed

  980. un·teach·able

  981. un·tech·ni·cal

  982. un·tem·pered

  983. un·ten·ant·ed

  984. un·tend·ed

  985. un·ten·ured

  986. un·test·able

  987. un·test·ed

  988. un·the·o·ret·i·cal

  989. un·threat·en·ing

  990. un·thrifty

  991. un·till·able

  992. un·tilled

  993. un·to·geth·er

  994. un·trace·able

  995. un·tra·di·tion·al

  996. un·tra·di·tion·al·ly

  997. un·trained

  998. un·tram·meled

  999. un·trans·formed

  1000. un·trans·lat·abil·i·ty

  1001. un·trans·lat·able

  1002. un·trans·lat·ed

  1003. un·trav·eled

  1004. un·tra·versed

  1005. un·treat·ed

  1006. un·trendy

  1007. un·trimmed

  1008. un·trust·ing

  1009. un·trust·wor·thy

  1010. un·tucked

  1011. un·tuft·ed

  1012. un·typ·i·cal

  1013. un·typ·i·cal·ly

  1014. un·un·der·stand·able

  1015. un·us·able

  1016. un·uti·lized

  1017. un·vac·ci·nat·ed

  1018. un·var·ied

  1019. un·vary·ing

  1020. un·ven·ti·lat·ed

  1021. un·ver·bal·ized

  1022. un·ver·i·fi·able

  1023. un·versed

  1024. un·vi·a·ble

  1025. un·vis·it·ed

  1026. un·want·ed

  1027. un·war·like

  1028. un·war·rant·ed

  1029. un·wa·ver·ing

  1030. un·wa·ver·ing·ly

  1031. un·waxed

  1032. un·weaned

  1033. un·wear·able

  1034. un·weath·ered

  1035. un·wed

  1036. un·weight·ed

  1037. un·wel·come

  1038. un·white

  1039. un·willed

  1040. un·win·na·ble

  1041. un·wom·an·ly

  1042. un·won

  1043. un·work·abil·i·ty

  1044. un·work·able

  1045. un·worked

  1046. un·wor·ried

  1047. un·wound·ed

  1048. un·wo·ven

  1049. un·wrin·kled

  1050. un·young

Origin of un-

Middle English, from Old English un-, on-, alteration of and- against — more at ante-

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December 22, 2015

to raise trivial and frivolous objection

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The bounty portion of bounty hunters (such as Boba Fett) comes from a Latin word meaning

good bad criminal hired
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