(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Islam in Perspective | Arab News
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Islam in Perspective

Haj: Make it convenient by better preparation

Since Haj is once-in-a-lifetime experience for most people, the importance of early and adequate preparation cannot be over-emphasized.

Living an unaware life

The happy and joyful movements of a small child amuse people.

Suhaib Rumi, imam of the Ummah

Anas bin Malik narrated that the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) spoke about four forerunners.

Overcoming feelings of lower self

A person’s lower self is open to all sorts of negative feelings.

Islam has answers to all the problems

Asiya Abd Al-Zahir, a Buddhist by birth, but a Christian by upbringing, admits that she had quite minimal knowledge of Islam, considering it a bizarre religion.

Preparations for Haj: Things to take along

Since Haj is a once-in-a-lifetime experience for most people, the importance of early and adequate preparation cannot be over-emphasized.

I always believed in a single Creator

ISLAM has been described as being the religion of Fitrah, the innate nature of all humans.

Getting ready for lifetime journey

Haj is one of the five pillars of Islam. All Muslims who fulfill certain conditions must perform Haj at least once in their lifetime. What are these conditions? Are there any prerequisites of Haj?

The path toward spiritual perfection

Allah Almighty says: “And place your reliance upon the Almighty, the Bestower of Mercy. He who sees you when you stand to pray.

Al-Ihsan is faith’s third level

Deen has a number of domains: The first is Islam.

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