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Writing Your First Blog - IGN Community Central - IGN
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Writing Your First Blog

   Last Edit: 2 months 20 days ago

So you've signed up for MyIGN and are ready to start blogging. Here's a short tutorial to become a blogger and start making internet money.


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Now that you have an account, you probably want to get acquainted with the community. It is advised to read other blogs before making your own. Visit the Blog Page to see what other people have written. Observe how they are written, but remember that the best blogs come from within.

Keep in mind that copying other blogs is not advised and plagiarism will involve an automatic deletion of your account.

As for your first blog, good blogging takes practice and your first blog may be ignored as you lack followers. It is advised to start writing a blog introducing yourself to the community. This is the time to greet your potential buddies and enlighten them about your personality, hobbies and life. IGN users will often welcome you because our community is awesome like that.

Before you write your first blog, make sure you reach level 5 and are a member for at least two weeks. Until you meet those criteria, you will be unable to publish a blog.


To write a blog, visit your profile and look for the tab that says"Blog". Click on that tab to visit your own personal blog space, which should still be empty. You are granted two options at the top of your page, "Write a New Post" and "Upload a New Header." Uploading a new header will make your blog more attractive, but right now you should focus on the first option (write a new post). Before you click on it, make sure to fasten your seatbelt as you will be warped to a completely different webpage. First time internet users should consider closing their eyes to protect themselves from shock.

The newly opened page is known as a WordPress blog editor. You may write a title for your blog and start writing it. While writing, press the Enter-key and continue writing to manufacture different paragraphs. Paragraphs make a text more pleasing to read and function to seperate different subjects. There are several options above the text box which allows you to add videos, pictures and other effects to liven up your blog.

While you are writing, you can press the "save draft" button to save your progress. The preview button allows you to see what your blog will look like when published. Once you are pleased with your own textual creation, add appropriate tags and categories. Doing so will make it easier for IGN users to find your blog and read it. You may proofread the blog one time, then publish it and pat yourself on the back. Receiving comments will likely make you feel warm and fuzzy inside. You will revieve notifications whenever you get new comments and you may also end up with new followers if readers like your blog.


Once your blog is published, there's a chance you can get your blog placed on IGN's homepage! It's very simple. Go to the blog post you published and scroll to the bottom of the post. You'll see a big red button that says "SUBMIT BLOG."

Once you click the button, it'll pop up your email client allowing you to email IGN your blog post. Keep in mind the email starts out empty with a generic subject line. You'll want to snaz it up and sell your blog. So re-write the subject line, input the link to your blog in the body of the email and briefly tell us why this blog deserves attention.

If your blog gets put on the front page of IGN, we'll reach out and let you know. Good luck!


To publish a blog, we have two requirements. You must be a registered MyIGN user for at least two weeks, and you must reach level 5. If you have met both these requirements and are still having technical difficulties, please email ign_support@ign.com with the issue, and we'll look into it as quickly as possible.

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