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Today’s Paper - The New York Times
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20151011032231/http://www.nytimes.com/pages/todayspaper/index.html
Edition: U.S. / Global

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Today’s Paper

The Times in Print for Saturday, October 10, 2015

Obama Administration Ends Effort to Train Syrians to Combat ISIS

The effort to build a rebel force against the Islamic State failed in part because many rebels focused on a campaign against President Bashar al-Assad, officials said.

Desperate G.O.P. Appeals to Ryan on Speaker’s Job

Republican leaders increased their efforts to persuade Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin to run for speaker of the House, as they saw him as the only one with the potential to unify the party.

Big Tobacco’s Staunch Friend in Washington: U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Since taking over the United States Chamber of Commerce in 1997, Thomas Donohue has transformed the organization into a powerful ally of tobacco.

State of the Art

In ‘Steve Jobs,’ Tolerating Tech’s Unpleasant Visionaries

The new movie about the Apple co-founder suggests that the future envisioned by the tech industry’s leaders is worth putting up with them.

Avoiding Risky Seas, Migrants Reach Europe With an Arctic Bike Ride

A route to Norway through Russia has made a remote far-north border an increasingly popular back door into Europe. A legal quirk makes pedaling necessary.

A Biden Run Would Expose Foreign Policy Differences With Hillary Clinton

The vice president candidacy would put on a public stage the foreign policy struggles he and Mrs. Clinton faced while in the Obama White House.

Today's Front Pages

Quotation of the Day
"He needs to do this for the team, that’s what we are all telling him."
REPRESENTATIVE FRED UPTON, Republican of Michigan, on calls for Representative Paul D. Ryan to run for speaker of the House.



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