Recent Discussions

  • February 20, 2009

    The Real Roots of the ‘Slumdog’ Protests

    "Slumdog Millionaire" is a hit everywhere, except in India. Why all the protests over a rags-to-riches film?

  • February 20, 2009

    What the Chinese Want From Obama

    In Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton's visit to China, what does she need to know?

  • February 19, 2009

    California, the Drama Queen

    Why is California, the world's eighth largest economy, so often in the throes of fiscal disaster?

  • February 18, 2009

    Facebook Rules

    What do social networking sites like Facebook owe their users, who happily plaster their pages with personal information?

  • February 17, 2009

    They’re Not Just Cars

    In its restructuring, G.M. will ax or contract four of its brands -- including Pontiac, maker of American dream cars like the …

  • February 13, 2009

    Sin, and Its Indulgences

    What are the historical roots of Catholic indulgences and the implications of their revival?

  • February 13, 2009

    Obama Beyond the Beltway

    President Barack Obama took his stimulus plan directly to people around the country. What does this say about his leadership style?

  • February 11, 2009

    Every Dog Has His Day

    What Stump, the dog and winner of Best in Show at Westminster, tells us about old age and competition.

  • February 11, 2009

    That ‘Buy American’ Provision

    Tell us again why protectionism is so bad.

  • February 10, 2009

    Geithner’s Multitrillion Dollar Bailout

    Is Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner's new bailout plan sufficient to shore up the financial system?

  • February 10, 2009

    Battle Plans for Newspapers

    Most dailies in America are in dire straits. How will their survival strategies affect readers?

  • January 29, 2009

    Bonuses for Bad Performance

    Wall Street doled out $18.4 billion in bonuses for 2008. How does a compensation system allow for such pay in the midst …

  • January 28, 2009

    What’s Missing in the Stimulus Plan

    Does President Barack Obama's economic stimulus package represent all that's needed?

  • January 27, 2009

    Eight Is Enough

    A woman recently gave birth to octuplets. With multiple births becoming more common, how many are too many?

  • January 26, 2009

    How Not to Lose Afghanistan

    Will deploying more U.S. troops make a difference in Afghanistan?

  • January 23, 2009

    The Risks of Releasing Detainees

    One former Guantánamo detainee, released in 2007, has emerged as an al Qaeda leader in Yemen. How does this case affect efforts …

  • January 22, 2009

    Nationalizing the Bank Problem

    Should the Obama administration move to nationalize lending institutions?

  • January 20, 2009

    ‘The Speech’: The Experts’ Critique

    Our panel of former presidential speechwriters critique Barack Obama's inaugural address.

  • January 19, 2009

    ‘The Speech’: An Experts’ Guide

    Former presidential speechwriters, including William Safire, discuss what Barack Obama's speech needs to do.

  • January 19, 2009

    Four Flaws in the Israeli Cease-Fire

    Why Israel's unilaterally declared cease-fire will not stand.

  • January 19, 2009

    After Gaza, Back to Square One

    A resolution can come only through diplomatic means, and that means finding a way to sit down with Hamas.

  • January 18, 2009

    Containing Hamas

    Egypt and Israel both have an interest in an improved cease-fire.

  • January 16, 2009

    It All Depends on Egypt

    Egypt plays a critical role in the success of any cease-fire in Gaza.

  • January 16, 2009

    Miracles and Plane Crashes

    What accounts for plane crash survivability? Pilot skills, better aircraft features or competent passengers?

  • January 15, 2009

    Words and Deeds in Ankara and Tehran

    How Turkey, Iran and Jordan are reacting to the conflict in Gaza.

  • January 13, 2009

    The Ace in Obama’s Pocket

    Daoud Kuttab, a Palestinian journalist, says Arabs are hopeful that Barack Obama will be a fair broker in the Middle East.

  • January 12, 2009

    Why Israelis Remain United

    David Newman, a professor of politics in Beersheva, Israel, a city which has been a target of Hamas rockets, explains why there …

  • January 12, 2009

    The Only Solution

    Shibley Telhami, a professor at the University of Maryland, on how to keep the two-state solution alive in the Mideast.

  • January 12, 2009

    Taking Risks After the Gaza War

    Daniel Gordis, senior vice president of the Shalem Center in Jerusalem, looks at the consequences of Israel-Gaza conflict.

  • January 12, 2009

    The War So Far

    Michael Young, opinion editor of the Daily Star newspaper in Beirut, weighs in on the regional implications of Israel's war against Hamas.

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