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Saturday, November 14, 2015


Books News & Reviews
Otto Frank, in 1971, holding an award given for the sale of one million copies of “The Diary of Anne Frank.”
Dave Caulkin/Associated Press

Otto Frank, in 1971, holding an award given for the sale of one million copies of “The Diary of Anne Frank.”

Her father brought her diary to the world. Now, with the copyright expiring in Europe, a Swiss foundation is arguing that his role was larger.

Sunday Book Review

‘Letters to Véra’

Philippe Halsman/Magnum Photos

Nabokov’s letters to Véra suggest a sky-filling ­adoration and a helpless dependency.

‘Nabokov in America’

Roper’s book argues that Nabokov’s American period, from 1940 to 1960, was beneficial to the author in every way.

Paul Theroux: By the Book

The author, most recently, of “Deep South” says if someone must write his biography, “I would suggest Hieronymus Karl Friedrich, Freiherr von Münchhausen, a.k.a. Baron Munchhausen.”

‘We That Are Left’

In the wake of World War I, survivors explore new ways to connect to lost loved ones.

‘Destiny and Power’

Jon Meacham recounts and celebrates the life of George H. W. Bush.

‘Saving Capitalism’

Reich argues that capitalism should create broad prosperity, not just vast gains for the wealthy.

‘Killing a King’

Rabin was assassinated 20 years ago at a crucial point in the peace process.

‘My Life on the Road’

Gloria Steinem reviews her peripatetic years as an activist and journalist.

‘The German War’

A panoramic look at the experience of Germans from all walks of life during World War II.

‘Slade House’

Every nine years, shape-shifting twins extend their immortality by luring victims to their haunted home.

‘The Gold Eaters’

A young boy lands in the service of Pizarro in this novel of conquest, culture clash and shifting identity.


The many lives of a cross-dressing, swashbuckling opera star.


A novel interweaves two Antarctic expeditions, a century apart.

‘Mendocino Fire: Stories’

Tallent’s stories show how easily love can alter.


Patricia Cornwell’s ‘Depraved Heart,’ and More

In Cornwell’s latest novel, the medical examiner Kay Scarpetta is worried about threats to her brilliant, prickly niece.

Books News & Reviews
Sonny Figueroa/The New York Times

Ms. Schiff goes back to the original story of Salem, Massachusetts, offering a minutely detailed chronicle of nine harrowing months in 1692.

Books of The Times

Review: In ‘Dear Mr. You,’ Mary-Louise Parker Writes to Men, With Lust and Rue

The actress presents aspects of herself in an epistolary book that is not a memoir but candidly speaks volumes about its author.

Books of The Times

Review: ‘My Life on the Road,’ Gloria Steinem’s Journey as a Traveling Feminist

In her first book in more than 20 years, Ms. Steinem looks back at nearly five decades as itinerant feminist organizer and standard-bearer.

The Future Issue

Choose Your Own Adventure: A Conversation With Jennifer Egan and George Saunders

Two fiction writers known for their mind-bending imaginations discuss the business of envisioning the future.

Letter of Recommendation: The ‘Death in … ’ Books

They are more than just macabre litanies of accidents, murders and mishaps in America’s most treasured national parks.

Children’s Books

Boys Do Cry

A stylish new picture book shows boys that it’s OK to express their softer feelings.

Groupies, From Sex Symbols to Style Icons

When Pamela Des Barres and other backstage women came to prominence in 1969, the news media focused on their brazen sexuality. Now the focus is on their fashion.

Review: In ‘Hotels of North America,’ Rick Moody Examines the Middle-Aged Male in Free Fall

In Mr. Moody’s latest novel, a hotel critic covers a lot more ground than just accommodations.

Hannah Rothschild Adds Novelist to Her Résumé

Ms. Rothschild, a member of the venerable banking family and chairwoman of the National Gallery, discusses the beginnings of her first novel.

Review: ‘A Wild Swan,’ Michael Cunningham’s Scabrous Antidote to Happily Ever After

The author recasts familiar fairy-tale outcomes from the perspective of a louche cynic.

Web Poets’ Society: New Breed Succeeds in Taking Verse Viral

Young, digitally astute poets with loyal online followings have catapulted onto the best-seller lists, where poetry books are scarce.

The Times's Critics

Recent reviews by:

Do We Romanticize Writers Who Die Young?

Dana Stevens and Benjamin Moser discuss how we view authors who die before their time.

Open Book
From All Sides

Reviewers have recommended several books for their tone in covering the state of Israel.

The Shortlist

New books by Barry Yourgrau, Aspen Matis, Caroline Heller, Alison Pick and Juliet Jacques.

Letters: On Fiction and Fracking

Readers respond to a recent interview with Matt Ridley, a review of Anthony Marra’s “The Tsar of Love and Techno” and more.

Book Review Features

Inside the List

Donald Trump and Ben Carson are duking it out in the Republican debates — and on the hardcover nonfiction best-seller list.

Editors’ Choice

Recently reviewed books of particular interest.

Paperback Row

Paperback books of particular interest.

The New York Times Book Review: Back Issues

Complete contents of the Book Review since 1997.


A ‘Cast of Characters’ and ‘Crooked Brooklyn’

Thomas Vinciguerra explores the wit of Wolcott Gibbs along with other eccentric writers of The New Yorker, and Michael Vecchione vividly recalls a case of corrupt cops.

Room for Debate

Beyond Green Eggs and Ham

Dr. Seuss still gets a lot of attention but what other young children's books and authors deserve attention?

Inside The New York Times Book Review Podcast: The Life of George H. W. Bush

Jon Meacham discusses his biography of the 41st president, and Dan Ephron talks about “Killing a King: The Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin and the Remaking of Israel.”

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