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The Sunday Review

Daniel Ochoa De Olza/Associated Press

The Exploitation of Paris

In haste, people twist the bloodshed in France to their own purposes. comment icon Comments


Terror in Paris

The French remain defiant and united in the wake of a barbaric night of violence. comment icon Comments


To Save Paris, Defeat ISIS

The only adequate response to the slaughter in France is military and the objective must be to crush ISIS. comment icon Comments


After the Carnage in Paris

A sampling of reader responses to the tragedy in France.


In Paris, a Night Disrupted by Terror

Instantly we are scanning Twitter, calling out estimates of the dead. comment icon Comments

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Ted Cruz’s Laughable Disguise

It’s a season of false political fronts. His is especially bogus.


A Crisis Our Universities Deserve

Campus radicals are often spoiled and self-dramatizing, but they also do have something to protest.


Gifts With Meaning

Some ideas for holiday presents, including helping a girl attend school, a refugee stay warm, a blind person regain sight and a doctor save lives.


The Seduction of Safety, on Campus and Beyond

People who mock the idea of a safe space are the ones who can take their security for granted. comment icon Comments


Men’s Lib!

Illustration by John Whitlock, Photographs From Getty Images

Women have learned to become more like men. Now men need to learn to become more like women. comment icon Comments


Why Free Can Be a Problem on the Internet

Will “zero-rating” plans like T-Mobile’s new Binge On let telecom companies unfairly influence what services people use?


Policing for Profit in St. Louis County

A cap on revenue from traffic fines caused towns in St. Louis County to get creative and hand out tickets for untidy window blinds.


Don’t Let the Aid for 9/11 Responders Expire

Moves to cut compensation for disabled first responders to the 9/11 attacks should be soundly rejected.


A New Way to Improve College Enrollment

A unique educational collaboration in Long Beach, Calif., raises college admissions and graduation rates for the poor and underprivileged.


The Virtue of Contradicting Ourselves

We don’t like flip-floppers, but we should consider voting for them anyway.

News Analysis

Teaching Peace in Elementary School

Many educators believe that children need to learn emotional intelligence to reach their full academic potential.


Is Mark Zuckerberg Ready for Facebook Parenthood?

He changed how the rest of us share our kids with the world. It’s almost his turn.


America, the Not So Promised Land

We conveniently forget that a third of the immigrants who came here a century ago didn’t like what they found — and went back.


At the Bloody Dawn of the Vietnam War

Those who fought in Vietnam were as great as any previous generation.


Roof Dogs


In my neighborhood in Mexico, these dogs live up above, as guards, warning their owners of any approach.


Rising Mortality Rates for Working-Class Whites

Readers offer their theories to explain the findings of a new study.

Opinionator | Private Lives

The Undress Code

Clothes made me a woman, whether I wanted them to or not.

Opinionator | The Stone

To Weld, Perchance, to Dream

My father was a welder. So I actually did have a choice to make: to weld or to philosophize?

Opinionator | Fixes

Smart African Politics: Candidates Debating Under a Tree

Studies in Sierra Leone confirm that debates by candidates for parliament not only introduce the candidates to voters; they make voting more issue-oriented.


Angus Deaton

A Nobel laureate on his taste for opera, fly-fishing and scatological jokes.

The Public Editor

The Tricky Terrain of Virtual Reality

The Times has developed a cutting-edge way to tell stories using virtual reality. Now comes the real challenge: adapting tried-and-true rules to a new medium. comment icon Comments

Gray Matter

The Key to Political Persuasion

It’s a simple strategy. It’s just not easy to implement.

The Strip

Politely Protesting With Mr. Manners

November 15, 2015 -- by Brian McFadden

How should we handle free speech when it starts to hurt feelings?

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