United Nations

James Estrin/The New York Times
News about United Nations, including commentary and archival articles published in The New York Times.

Chronology of Coverage

  1. Sep. 23, 2015

    Sec of State John Kerry announces plans for training, by United States and India, of troops in six African countries before they are deployed to United Nations peacekeeping operations; agreement is in response to growing demand for effective, professional peacekeeping forces in regions of conflict. MORE

  2. Sep. 23, 2015

    Libya Memo; many Libyans are wrestling with how to rebuild their fractured country with warring factions having taken control of government; many have fled to neighboring Tunisia, expressing doubts that violent power struggle will end, despite hopes that United Nations-sponsored peace agreement may be signed soon; refugees are calling for increased involvement from international community in hopes they can return home. MORE

  3. Sep. 17, 2015

    Memo From the United Nations; increasing difficulty of peacekeeping operations in world beset by number of serious conflicts has caused soul-searching by United Nations and reassessment of its peacekeeping operations; Sec Gen Ban Ki-moon has proposed changes, while United States has called for other countries to commit more troops to effort. MORE

  4. Sep. 17, 2015

    United Nations issues report detailing abuses during Sri Lanka's 26-year civil war and recommending investigation via special court that includes international judges and lawyers; rejects country's offer to set up truth and reconciliation commission, saying it is not ready to deal with legacy of war alone. MORE

  5. Sep. 16, 2015

    Ali Rezaian asks United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention to intervene on behalf of his brother, Washington Post journalist Jason Rezaian, who has been held in Iranian prison on espionage charges for over year. MORE

  6. Sep. 16, 2015

    United Nations reports civilian worker in its mission in Central African Republic is suspected of sexual exploitation and can not leave country; suspect is 17th person accused of sexual abuse since peacekeeping mission’s 2014 arrival. MORE

  7. Sep. 15, 2015

    Foreign Min Mangala Samaraweera of Sri Lanka’s new government addresses United National Human Right Council, unveiling plans to stabilize country and handle grievances from decades-long civil war; speech comes days before UN releases report on deaths of about 40,000 ethnic Tamil civilians by Sri Lankan military in 2009. MORE

  8. Sep. 15, 2015

    New York City police as well as representatives from at least 48 agencies run security drills to prepare for first visit by Pope Francis to city, which coincides with United Nations General Assembly; Mayor Bill de Blasio describes preparations for two simultaneous events as unprecedented. MORE

  9. Sep. 11, 2015

    United Nations General Assembly votes to allow Palestinians right to fly their national flag in front of UN headquarters; symbolic move is opposed by Israel and United States. MORE

  10. Sep. 11, 2015

    United Nations say exiled leaders of Yemen government and Houthi rebels have agreed to hold talks mediated by UN envoy. MORE

  11. Sep. 11, 2015

    European nations are pushing for United Nations Security Council resolution that will permit their military forces to seize human-smuggling vessels in international waters of Mediterranean Sea. MORE

  12. Sep. 9, 2015

    HelpAge International, nonprofit advocate for the aging, reports that poverty rates for elderly are missing for at least 93 countries; argues lack of data can undermine Sustainable Development Goals, list of established by United Nations of social, economical and ecological objectives in seeking rise in global living standards by 2030. MORE

  13. Sep. 9, 2015

    United Nations reports that nearly 8,000 people have died in eastern Ukraine conflict since it began in April 2014, and blames influx of Russian fighters and armaments as impediment to peace process. MORE

  14. Sep. 9, 2015

    Editorial asserts Europe's refugee crisis is driven by increasingly untenable conditions for Syrian refugees in Jordan, Turkey and Lebanon; castigates United Nations member nations, who have contributed less than half the funds promised to UN humanitarian agencies and calls on Saudi Arabia and its Persian Gulf neighbors to increase UN donations. MORE

  15. Sep. 4, 2015

    Riyad Mansour, Palestinian ambassador to United Nations, says he has enough support to change longstanding rule at UN headquarters regarding flying flags of nonmember observer states and expects Palestinian flag will be displayed at headquarters in Manhattan in time for General Assembly. MORE

  16. Sep. 4, 2015

    United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad al-Hussein announces another UN peacekeeper in Central African Republic has been accused of sexually abusing a teenage girl, who later gave birth to a child. MORE

  17. Sep. 3, 2015

    David W Dunlap Building Blocks column examines seven-year, $2.15 billion renovation of United Nations complex, which has made buildings safer from bomb attacks in several ways while preserving architectural design; notes, however, that 1961 Dag Hammarskjold Library remains vulnerable due to its proximity to roadway. MORE

  18. Sep. 1, 2015

    Analysis from Inter-Parliamentary Union finds only 44 of 190 countries have legislatures made up of at least 30 percent women, despite 20-year-old promise by world leaders that 30 percent threshold would be achieved; women at Fourth Wold Conference of Speakers of Parliament at United Nations urge male colleagues to push for more representation for women in their legislative bodies. MORE

  19. Aug. 27, 2015

    Stephen O'Brien, new United Nations under secretary general for humanitarian affairs, calls on wealthier countries of world to increase aid to Middle East and Africa to in effort to give refugees fleeing to Europe alternative to fleeing their homelands. MORE

  20. Aug. 27, 2015

    Nearly 20 Arab nations submit resolution to United Nations General Assembly seeking right of Palestine, despite having nonmember observer status, to raise its flag at gates of UN headquarters; Jewish groups including B’nai B’rith oppose resolution, citing Hamas's hostility to Israel among its objections. MORE

  21. Aug. 26, 2015

    United Nations report alleges brutal crimes have been committed in South Sudan civil war fueled by some $20 million in arms spending by South Sudan government; UN Security Council is considering arms embargo unless Pres Salva Kiir signs peace treaty. MORE

  22. Aug. 23, 2015

    Three dozen countries, led by Colombia, are pushing to have a woman appointed as next Secretary General of United Nations; women's groups and leaders from around world are supporting the suggestion, citing fact that since its inception 45 years ago, UN has been led by succession of men. MORE

  23. Aug. 21, 2015

    United Nations officials release new information regarding sex abuse claims against UN peacekeepers in Central African Republic; say nine of 13 cases reported involved children as young as 11 years of age and no convictions have occurred to date. MORE

  24. Aug. 20, 2015

    United Nations announces families of two women and one girl have accused three UN peacekeepers in Central African Republic of rape; numerous allegation of sexual abuse have emerged regarding peacekeepers in country. MORE

  25. Aug. 20, 2015

    United States is circulating draft proposal at United Nations Security Council that will put in place arms embargo on South Sudan, following Pres Salva Kiir's refusal to sign peace treaty. MORE

  26. Aug. 18, 2015

    United Nations Security Council issues modest statement about Syrian civil war, urging combatants to opt for political transition, day after Pres Bashar al-Assad's forces bomb town outside Damascus and kill around 100 people, one of deadliest air attacks to date. MORE

  27. Aug. 16, 2015

    Documents provided by former National Security Agency contractor Edward J Snowden reveal that AT&T;'s collaboration with agency on Internet spying operations was far more extensive than that of other telecommunications companies; unique and especially productive partnership provided NSA with billions of emails as well as assistance in wiretapping of all Internet communications at United Nations headquarters. MORE

  28. Aug. 14, 2015

    Campaign by former United Nations intern-turned-activist David Hyde is exerting pressure on UN to revisit its unpaid internship policy; New Zealander Hyde garnered widespread attention after reporting squalid conditions, including fact that he had to resort to sleeping outside; has called for international crusade against unpaid clerical work. MORE

  29. Aug. 13, 2015

    United Nations Sec Gen Ban Ki-moon dismisses senior official Babacar Gaye, envoy to Central African Republic, over allegations that UN peacekeepers have repeatedly committed heinous sexual abuses against civilians there. MORE

  30. Aug. 13, 2015

    State Dept declares that visit to Russia by Maj Gen Qassim Suleimani, head of Iran's paramilitary force, violates United Nations travel ban imposed out of concern over Iran's nuclear and ballistic missile programs. MORE

  31. Aug. 12, 2015

    Amnesty International says United Nations police officer has been accused of raping 12-year-old girl in Bangui, Central African Republic; numerous allegations of sexual abuse have been made since UN mission in country began. MORE

  32. Aug. 8, 2015

    Malian government forces continue operation to free hostages seized during jihadist assault of Byblos hotel in Sevare where United Nations staffers were lodging; UN contractor and at least five Malian soldiers were killed and government forces have detained seven suspects so far. MORE

  33. Aug. 8, 2015

    United Nations Security Council unanimously adopts resolution to create panel to identify perpetrators of chlorine bombings and other chemical attacks in the Syria war. MORE

  34. Aug. 7, 2015

    Sec of State John Kerry announces that both United States and Russia have agreed to support United Nations Security Council resolution to determine which groups or individuals were specifically responsible for chemical weapons attacks in Syria; resolution will establish process for investigating culpability for such attacks. MORE

  35. Aug. 5, 2015

    Russia submits formal claim to United Nations for control of vast area of Arctic Ocean, including North Pole, region increasingly ripe for oil drilling and more as global warming melts ice there; if accepted, Russia will gain oversight over economic matters related to the waters. MORE

  36. Aug. 5, 2015

    United Nations Sec General Ban Ki-moon pleads for donations to fill unprecedented $100 million shortfall facing United Nations Relief and Works Agency; deficit could disrupt aid to five million Palestinian refugees in Middle East. MORE

  37. Aug. 4, 2015

    United Nations member states agree on 15-year global development plan addressing poverty, hunger, environment and gender equality; adoption of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at September 2015 summit meeting supersedes and broadens eight Millennium Development Goals set in 2000, which organization attributes to lifting one billion out of abject poverty. MORE

  38. Aug. 3, 2015

    Op-Ed article by American Enterprise Institute scholar John R Bolton warns that threat of sanctions contained in nuclear deal with Iran will not be sufficient to prevent Iran from violating agreement; faults language of deal and mechanism by which sanctions would be applied for handing too much power to Iran and undermining United States' Security Council veto power; asserts deal holds out empty threat of sanctions and no threat of force. MORE

  39. Aug. 1, 2015

    United States gives $65 million to United Nations World Food Program, avoiding stoppage of relief to Syrian refugees in Jordan. MORE

  40. Jul. 30, 2015

    United Nations 2015 revision report indicates India’s population is growing rapidly and will surpass China by 2022, six years earlier than noted in 2013 forecast; report also estimates that world’s population, currently at 7.3 billion, will rise to 9.6 billion by 2050 and could reach 11.2 billion by end of century. MORE

  41. Jul. 30, 2015

    Russia blocks United Nations Security Council resolution, obstructing formation of tribunal to prosecute those responsible for destroying of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 and angering nations whose citizens died in wreck; says resolution was propaganda move to implicate Kremlin-backed Ukrainian separatists controlling eastern Ukraine; jetliner was destroyed while flying over Ukrainian area annexed by pro-Russian separatists. MORE

  42. Jul. 30, 2015

    Special United Nations envoy Staffan de Mistura introduces new effort to restart peace talks to end Syria’s civil war, saying range of Syrians will be invited to join preparatory discussions on how to proceed after four years of ravaging war. MORE

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Articles About the United Nations

Saudis Seek to Fend Off U.N. Inquiry on Yemen

The Netherlands and some Western countries want the United Nations high commissioner for human rights to investigate abuses in the Yemeni war.

September 25, 2015, Friday

Antiquities Still at Risk, Experts Warn

All six Unesco World Heritage sites in Syria had been damaged in that country’s war, including the most recent destruction in the ancient city of Palmyra.

September 25, 2015, Friday

U.N. Agencies Told to Leave East Ukraine

It is rare that United Nations agencies are ordered to cease operations in a country or region.

September 25, 2015, Friday

Pope Francis to Address U.N.’s Largest Gathering of World Leaders

Pope Francis may give world leaders a moral flogging at the United Nations General Assembly before a global summit meeting on Syria, climate change and refugees.

September 25, 2015, Friday

1965: Russia Proposes Treaty to U.N.

From the International Herald Tribune archives: Russia proposes a nonproliferation draft treaty to the United Nations in 1965.

September 24, 2015, Thursday
MORE ON THE UNITED NATIONS AND: Russia , United States , United Nations , Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty

Tribunal May Be Formed for Malaysia Flight 17 Jet Lost Over Ukraine

Australia’s foreign minister said such a court was among the options now being considered by the nations that have been leading the effort for victim justice in the obliteration of the Malaysia Airlines jetliner.

September 24, 2015, Thursday

As Pope Francis Meets America, a Climate Science Scholar Offers a Fresh View of the Encyclical

A science historian reviews interpretations and misinterpretations of Pope Francis’s message on the environment, economy and equity.

September 23, 2015, Wednesday

As Others Flee to West, Most Syrian Refugees Remain in Region

While the West grapples with thousands of Syrians, millions more have settled into lives with limited opportunities in Jordan, Turkey and Lebanon.

September 23, 2015, Wednesday

India: Deal on Training African Troops

The United States and India agreed Tuesday to train troops in six African countries before they are deployed to United Nations peacekeeping missions.

September 23, 2015, Wednesday

As Frustrations Build in Libya, So Do Calls for Help

Many Libyans doubt that the country’s warring factions will end their power struggle, even if a United Nations-sponsored peace agreement is signed soon.

September 23, 2015, Wednesday


International Organizations Providing Aid to Syrian Refugees

A number of nongovernmental organizations have contributed aid to Syrian refugees in Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey, but not enough to keep them from fleeing to Europe, according to the United Nations.

The United Nations Syria Regional Refugee and Resilience Plan

One reason for the wave of migrants fleeing to Europe is the deterioration of the conditions that Syrians face in Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey, largely caused by sharp falls in international funding from United Nations countries.

Unpaid Intern Quits United Nations Post

David Hyde, a 22-year-old from New Zealand who could not afford rent in Geneva, quit a prestigious internship at the United Nations after it was revealed that he was sleeping in a tent.

Starving on the Streets

Nicholas Kristof travels to South Sudan, where a famine brought on by drought and civil war threatens five million people.

Washington Post Editor Discusses Rezaian

The Post’s executive editor, Martin Baron, spoke after filing a petition with the United Nations in the hopes that the U.N. will pressure Iran to release the correspondent Jason Rezaian.

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