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Executive Team Northern Rangelands Trust | Northern Rangelands Trust
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Executive Team

Mike Harrison – Chief Executive Officer

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Mike completed his PhD in primate ecology and conservation in Senegal in 1982, and continued as a Royal Society Research Fellow working on forest ecology in Gabon up to 1984. He followed this as Assistant Producer of a BAFTA-winning film documenting the lives of Baka pygmies in Cameroon’s southeastern rainforests. From 1989 he was appointed Director of a forestry consultancy firm, and worked on community-based natural resource management in Asia, Africa and South America, for a range of major donor agencies. He joined DFID as a Livelihoods Adviser in 1999, leading work in Uganda and Indonesia on forest governance, and has now just completed 4 years as Deputy Director of DFID Kenya, managing the UK’s £100m per year aid programme. He brings to NRT 30 years of experience in community development, programme management and organizational leadership.


Dominic Ooko – Chief Operations Officer

Dominic Otieno Ooko holds an MBA from Moi University and BA (Hons.) from the University of Nairobi. He brings with him a wealth of experience in Human Resource and Administration having worked with Unilever Tea, Red Lands Roses, G4S, Magadi Soda and Security Group Ltd in various HR and general management capacities. At G4S Dominic served in the role of HR Director between the year 2001 and 2008, before moving in the same capacity to Magadi Soda. He then joined Security Group Africa as Group Organisation Development Director and Managing Director for the Tanzanian subsidiary, based in Dar es Salaam.



Garry Cullen – Chief Executive Officer, NRT Trading

Garry’s father worked for the Kenyan Government and as a result he had a nomadic upbringing. In 1971 Garry pursued a career as a professional golfer at just 16 years old, and spent the next 14 years playing the European, Caribbean and African tournament circuits. He returned to settle in Kenya after getting married, but his passion for sport hadn’t subsided. He moved to Watamu on the Kenyan coast – one of the best big game fishing bases in Africa – where he worked at Hemmingways hotel and pursued his love for fishing in his spare time. He spent 26 years at Hemmingways, which took him to the Maasai Mara, where he worked with local landowners to manage Naboisho Conservancy and set up Ol Seki Hemmingways camp. He used the skills he learned in the Mara to found the Galana Wildlife Conservancy, which borders Tsavo East National Park and acts as a buffer zone for wildlife. Garry now heads up NRT Trading, which encompasses the BeadWORKS and livestock programmes, among others.


Ian Craig – Director of Conservation

gallery_6003_375_86505Ian has spent most of his life in northern Kenya and is familiar with the challenges of wildlife conservation and community development in the region. He has developed a personal relationship with many communities based on a foundation of trust, continuity, shared experiences and a common vision. He was a founding board member of both Namunyak Wildlife Conservation Trust and Il Ngwesi Group Ranch in 1995. As Executive Director of the Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, Ian was a founding member of the Northern Rangelands Trust together with key individuals from the community member areas.




Tom Lalampaa – Chief Programmes Officer

TomTom is a Samburu from the West Gate Community Conservancy. While he could have followed in the pastoralist footsteps of his family and neighbors, it was with the support of his entire community that he completed his schooling and went on to receive a BA in social work and an MBA in strategic management at the University of Nairobi. Tom has ten years’ management experience gained from working with community-based organizations in Kenya and brings invaluable experience and skills to the Trust with his background in community development, conservancy management and fundraising. He was appointed as Community Development Assistant for NRT in April 2006, and since then has won the trust and respect of countless members of the diverse communities he works with. In September 2013, Tom was awarded the Tusk Conservation Award by the Duke of Cambridge at a ceremony in London, which recognised his outstanding contribution to northern Kenya’s communities and wildlife.


Dr. Jeffrey Worden – Chief Scientist

Jeff-prof-picJeff grew up in the US, and moved to Kenya as a young man. During these formative years he developed a lifelong interest in the interaction of pastoral systems and the environment. He conducted his PhD research in Kenya’s Amboseli Ecosystem on the impacts of changing pastoral settlement patterns on vegetation, wildlife, and livestock. He was a graduate fellow with the International Livestock Research Institute in Kenya before completing his PhD in Ecology at Colorado State University in 2007. He has continued to work at the interface of human-ecological systems as a visiting scientist at ILRI and a post-doctoral scientist with the Amboseli Conservation Program. Jeff brings to NRT expertise in rangeland ecology, ecological monitoring, community based natural resource management, landscape ecology, and geographic information systems as well as over 20 years of experience in the ecology and conservation of East African savannas.


Frank Bebora – Chief Finance Officer


Frank joined NRT in 2013 as the Chief Finance Officer. Frank is currently finalising his MBA in Strategic Management at Daystar University, and holds a BSc. in Business Administration (Accounting and Finance) from the United States International University – Africa and is a fully qualified CPA and CIMA. Frank brings to NRT years of experience in the finance sector, having working with World Wide Fund for Nature as Head of Finance, Oxfam GB and Oxfam Novib in different capacities at both county and regional levels, and for the Kenya Ecumenical Church Loan Fund and Lonrho East Africa Limited.



Ture Boru – Chief Finance Officer and Commercial Director, NRT Trading

Ture developed a passion for community empowerment early in life as a village volunteer, discovering the power of making genuine, positive change in people’s lives – including his own life and career path. As a resident of Northern Kenya who witnessed first-hand the successes and failures of development interventions, Ture has a strong insight and commitment in working with transparent organizations, particularly those who help the most marginal communities. For over 14 years Ture has worked with organizations including: World Bank funded Arid Lands Resource Management Project, the Kenyan government’s Youth Enterprise Development Fund, and now NRT Trading for BeadWORKS. The combined experience across the development spectrum has enabled Ture to specialize in designing tools which improve operational efficiency, increase productivity, and enhance accountability in start-ups as well as established organizations. Ture’s skills enhance the ability of NRT Trading and BeadWORKS to drive economic empowerment initiatives for the NRT conservancy communities, in particular the BeadWORKS artisans, promoting the culture of self-reliance and entrepreneurship. Ture is an experienced accountant, development worker, manager, trainer and strategy expert, and holds a Masters degree in International Business Administration in Strategic Management from the United States International University-Africa.


Gabriel Nyausi – Community Development Manager


Gabriel was born, bought up and educated in Il Ngwesi Community Conservancy. He holds a Diploma in Community Development and Social Studies with a teaching background. He served as Il Ngwesi’s community development manager from 2005 – 2008, before being promoted to the conservancy manager. He joins NRT with over 5 years of knowledge and skills in community development and conservation.




Evans Riat – Senior Accountant

EvansEvans Riat is currently the senior accountant at NRT. He formally worked for Namunyak Conservancy as a conservancy project accountant before joining NRT in the year 2010 as a regional accountant and subsequently conservancies’ accountant. He holds a Bachelor Degree in Accounting and Finance from Nilai International University (Malaysia) and an MBA from Kenya Methodist University – Finance Option. He is currently undertaking Ph.D. in Business Administration and Management (Kenya Methodist University), and CPAIII. He brings to NRT a wide range of financial management knowledge and experience.




Jose Malia – Senior Administrator and HR Officer

Passport-document-for-Jose0001Born and brought up in Meru County, Jose has a teaching background as a graduate of Kenyatta University. He holds a Masters degree in Administration and Management from the University of Wales, Cardiff – UK; a post Graduate Diploma in Media from the Kenya Institute of Mass Communication (KIMC), and certificates in Administration from the Kenya Institute of Administration (KIA) and the Centre for Professional Training (ZGB) in Mannheim – Germany.He has extensive Curriculum Development; Administration and Human Resource Management experience gained as a Curriculum /Media Specialist; Principal of a post Secondary Technical College and a Registrar in three private Universities.Jose is a full member of both the Kenya Institute of Management (MKIM) and the Institute of Human Resource Management (MIHRM). He brings to NRT a wide range of Administrative, Human Resource, Operational and Logistical knowledge and experience.


Latif Boru – County Coordinator, Isiolo

latifLatif is a Borana from Isiolo county. Growing up in Shaba and Buffalo Springs National Reserves almost certainly nurtured his interest in wildlife conservation, natural resource management and community engagement. He holds a major in linguistics, media and communications from Moi University, with a minor in sociology. Being the regional coordinator if his home county, Latif has an invaluable knowledge of the land communities there. He brings to NRT strong leadership and communication skills, built from years of experience working with the marginalised communities of Northern Kenya.




Fred Obiya – County Coordinator, Samburu

Fred-Obiya-949x1024Fred joined NRT in January 2012 as the Regional Coordinator for the Greater Sera region, having worked as a conservancy manager for Lekurruki Conservancy for 5 years. A graduate of business management, Fred has a wealth of experience in financial management, logistics and community engagement. Before becoming involved with NRT, he worked for the British American Tobacco Company’s finance department for 7 years, and as an administration manager for Eastern and Nyanza leaf growing areas for a further 5 years. He brings a broad knowledge gained from over 10 years experience interacting with the farming and livestock keeping communities.



Emmanuel Kochale – County Coordinator, Marsabit

Emmanuel’s profile coming soon!

Titus Letaapo – County Coordinator, 

Titus-1024x680Titus is a Samburu from Namunyak Community Conservancy. First training as a teacher, he taught for 5 years before heading to South Africa, where he acquired a diploma in Natural Resource Management from the South African Wildlife College. In 2006, the two worlds combined, when he graduated with a diploma in conservation education from the University of Kent, UK. Titus served as the manager for Namunyak Community Conservancy for 11 years before joining NRT in 2009, where he has assisted in the formation several community conservancies. Titus brings to NRT years of experience in natural resource management in northern Kenya, as well as skills in conservancy board training, conflict resolution and raising community awareness.



Benson Ojwang – Grants Management Officer

bensonBenson is currently pursuing an MBA at the University of Nairobi, having graduated from the same University in 1999 with a Bachelor of Commerce degree. Besides being a holder of Certified Investments and Securities Analysts (CISA) Level I, he has over 13 years progressive professional work experience, ranging from humanitarian relief and development work in Non Governmental Organizations among them AMURT (International) South Sudan, Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) Sudan Southern Sector, and the US Embassy’s Centres for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC)/Kemri Programme. He has also worked with Citibank NA Kenya as an investment portfolio officer. Benson uses own initiative to work as part of a team under pressure in order to meet challenging deadlines, and an effective communicator. His organizational skills matches the will and determination needed to succeed.


Elijah Waichanguru – Grants Management Officer

Elijah-headshotElijah is a graduate from the University of Nairobi with a MA in Project Planning and Management and BSc in Wildlife management and Conservation. Having spent years working micro finance and agriculture sectors, he brings into NRT valuable knowledge and experience in community development, project planning and management and conservation.