
What happens when women wear 'unflattering' clothes

A campaign by a New York-based fashion brand has seen women pose in the clothes they were told would not "flatter" them.

The Michelle Obama dress that sold out in 20 minutes

Mary Ward   It was gone before her husband had finished his speech.

Ronda Rousey Sports Illustrated 'swimsuit' spikes Australian brand's sales 300%

Lauren Ferri   After images leaked of Ronda Rousey in nothing but body paint – sales spiked for Australian label We Are Handsome.


No expense spared-loving Gwyneth Paltrow launches affordable beauty line

Amy Croffey   After trying to spruik $1,320 toilet paper, it might come as a surprise Gwyneth Paltrow is endorsing products fans could be in with a chance of finally owning.

Miss Universe judge Perez Hilton slams Miss Colombia for being a 'diva'

Jenna Clarke   "I'm like, you're Sofia Vergara. You're not Miss Universe."

Was Steve Harvey's Miss Universe mix-up a publicity stunt? Conspiracy theories begin

Emily Yahr   Steve Harvey mixing up the winner of the 2015 Miss Universe pageant on Sunday had all the ingredients of an epic viral moment: A beauty pageant. An embarrassing gaffe. The agonising scene when Harvey admitted he made a mistake. The look on Miss Colombia Ariadna Gutierrez's face when her crown was taken off and given to the real winner, Miss Philippines Pia Wurtzbach.


The best and worst 'diets' for 2016

Sarah Berry 1:25 PM   Aren't we there yet?

The humble vegetable set to become the new 'it' food of 2016

Karen Heller   Look out kale, there's a new foodie favourite in town.

28 days - how to prep for an alcohol-free February

Paula Goodyer 2:00 PM   Go without alcohol for a month and your body will smile.  

Home & Style

Decluttering guru Marie Kondo is back with more life-changing magic

Anna Fifield   Just in time to make good on your New Year's vow to get organised, Marie Kondo, the self-described "crazy tidying fanatic" who has sparked the world with her joy for decluttering, has a new book to help you clean up your act.

Are men or women better at assembling Ikea furniture?

Jeff Guo   The putting together of flat-pack furniture is the new battle of the sexes.

Beyond the backyard

Beverley Johanson   A new precinct of luxury apartments is about to change Moonee Ponds for the better.


Are Tinder users less likely to commit to relationships?

Mary Ward   It's the new type of ghost story.

Was he gay, bisexual or Bowie? Yes

Katie Rogers   When David Bowie died on Sunday, he left behind legions of fans who will remember him as the godfather of glam rock and the patron saint of defiant outcasts.

Learning to love your hoo ha

If you think all is not normal 'down there', maybe it's time for a reality check.