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The Guide to the Guide to Comics – WIZARD #40 (December 1994)


It’s true:  Marvel’s X-titles have been cancelled.  Also, Rob Liefeld debuts Maximum Press, Frank Miller and Neil Gaiman are interviewed, and one lucky fan wins dinner with a guy in an X-O Manowar suit.  All in today’s Guide to the Guide to Comics! Continue Reading »

The Wrong Side: Sabretooth vs. Wendigo

In this feature, I examine comic book fights that were particularly notable in the wrong side winning (or at least that the fight wasn’t won the “right” way). This really isn’t a big deal, of course, as it doesn’t really matter if the “wrong” person won a fight. But it’s fun to talk about!

If you want to suggest a fight for future inclusion in this feature, drop me a line at bcronin@comicbookresources.com. Don’t suggest a fight in the comments!

This week, based on a suggestion from reader Keith, we take a look at Sabretooth doing surprisingly well against Wendigo…
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Comics You Should Own – All Star Superman

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“You’re much stronger than you think you are. Trust me.”
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Top Five Captain America/Iron Man Fights

Here is an archive of all the past top five lists I’ve done over the years.

With Captain America: Civil War due out later this year, I was inspired to do a Top Five Captain America/Iron Man fights.

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Comic Book Questions Answered – When Did Deadpool Become an R-Rated Character?

Comic Book Questions Answered – where I answer whatever questions you folks might have about comic books (feel free to e-mail questions to me at bcronin@comicbookresources.com). Here is a link to an archive of all the past questions that have been answered so far.

This time around, the question comes courtesy of my friend, Chris N., who asks:

The petition to get a PG-13 cut of Deadpool has generated some internet backlash, with a lot of fans claiming a Deadpool movie that isn’t R-rated just isn’t Deadpool. Now I haven’t read much Marvel this past decade, but I read plenty of Deadpool from the character’s first 15 years, and the comic was never R-rated. Where are people getting the idea that Deadpool is an R-rated character?

I think it IS pretty clear that, when introduced, Deadpool was not an R-Rated character. So when did the change occur?
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Thoughts on the Legends of Tomorrow Pilot

I watched the pilot of the new CW DC’s Legends of Tomorrow series, and I have some thoughts!
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Saturday’s Trivia Contest – Wanton Savagery Edition!

It’s been a while since I did one of these, and it seems like everyone always enjoys them. Certainly, I do… and so it’s time for another Hardcore, Take-No-Prisoners Trivia Contest!

Past contests are here for those that are interested. Last week I asked for suggestions and only Edo Bosnar came through, so that’s what I am going with. This time, it’s all about Savages– past, present, and future! Continue Reading »

Amazing Heroes Trading Card Set

My buddy Christopher Irving is working on a Kickstarter campaign for a new trading card set featuring the heroes from the first wave of the successful action figure campaign for figures like Captain Action, Stardust and more!
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Small Pressings: The Gut-Busting Comics of Sarah Andersen

Recently, social media has exposed me to an influx of web comics and new and wonderful artists I wouldn’t previously have found on my own.  Twitter in particular houses a gold mine of good comics, and I decided I needed a space where I could highlight some of the independent work I’ve come across and enjoyed, both in web and print form—so arrives this column I’m calling “Small Pressings.”  This first installment is dedicated to Sarah Andersen, creator of Sarah’s Scribbles.
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Comic Book Legends Revealed #559

Welcome to the five hundred and fifty-eighth in a series of examinations of comic book legends and whether they are true or false. Click here for an archive of the first five hundred (I actually haven’t been able to update it in a while). This week, who was the mysterious X-Man known as Joseph supposed to be originally – Magneto, a clone of Magneto, Proteus or something else entirely? How did The Walking Dead start with a whopper of a lie? And more fun with cartoons and Nazis!

Let’s begin!
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The Line it is Drawn #274 – Bowie Tribute Week!

Welcome to our weekly gallery of amazing art by our great collection of artistic talent, all working from YOUR suggestions!

Go follow Comics Should Be Good on Twitter (if you have Twitter, that is – if you don’t, you can go sign up). Here is our Twitter page… http://twitter.com/csbg. And here are the Comics Should Be Good writers who are on Twitter (the links go to the person’s Twitter account) – myself, Greg Hatcher, Chad Nevett, Kelly Thompson, Bill Reed, Greg Burgas and Sonia Harris

I update the blog’s Twitter account updates whenever a new post is put up on the blog, so it’s an easy way to keep up with the blog. In addition, I post new content on the blog’s Twitter account.

Now on to the bit!

So every week, I ask a question here. You reply to it on our Twitter page (just write @csbg with your reply) and our artists will each pick one of your suggestions and I will post their drawings based on your suggestions here every week. So every week you will have a new question and you will see the choices picked from the previous week. Here is an archive of all the previous editions of The Line It Is Drawn!

To qualify, you have to be following us when you reply – so go follow us and then give your answer to the following question/challenge (All suggestions due by 3pm Pacific Friday).

The topic for the next Line is…

In honor of the passing of Alan Rickman, next week is a Harry Potter theme week! Mash-up or team-up comic book characters with Harry Potter characters!

Read on for the drawings that came about courtesy of the last question/challenge!

In honor of the passing of David Bowie, the theme is, you know, David Bowie. Mash comic characters with Bowie, illustrate his song lyrics with comic book characters, have comic book characters appear in Bowie music videos, Bowie album covers, comic book characters as Bowie movie characters, whatever strikes your fancy!

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Knowledge Waits: All of DC’s Original Bloodlines Characters

This is the latest in a feature where I just share some bit of comic book history that interests me. Here is a collection of all of the installments in the feature so far.

With the recent news that DC Comics is coming out with a new Bloodlines series later this year, I thought it would be fun to take a look at each of the characters (the “New Bloods”) who debuted as a result of the original 1993 Bloodlines crossover.

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The Great Comic Book Cover Homage Streak: Week 173

It occurs to me that it seems like many comic book covers are homages. Which is fine with me. I have no problem with it. It just made me think, though, how long could I go before I hit a week where NO new comic book was released that had a cover that was an homage to something? Let’s find out! Here is an archive of all the cover homages featured in the streak so far!

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Thoughts on Steve Rogers’ Return as Captain America

Tonight, Marvel announced that Steve Rogers is returning as Captain America soon in his own new series, Steve Rogers: Captain America. So, let’s process the news!
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I Love Ya But You’re Strange – The Glorious Debut of…Capwolf!

Every installment of I Love Ya But You’re Strange I spotlight strange but ultimately endearing comic stories. Here is the archive of all the installments of this feature. Feel free to e-mail me at bcronin@comicbookresources.com if you have a suggestion for a future installment!

I don’t recall offhand, but I suspect that SOMEone must have suggested I feature this one over the years. Feel free to write in to take credit for suggesting it (although, come on, it was always going to eventually show up). Anyhow, today we look at the glorious debut of…Cap-Wolf!

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Comics Should Be Good accepts review copies. Anything sent to us will (for better or for worse) end up reviewed on the blog. See where to send the review copies.

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