Delegation to Lesotho



Joint Statement on International Women's Day

08/03/2016 - Joint Statement on International Women's Day pdf - 75 KB [75 KB]

Joint Statement made by HRVP Federica Mogherini and the EU Commissioners on International Women's day.

02/03/2016 - Decision by the EU not to pay Budget Support to Lesotho pdf - 274 KB [274 KB]

The EU has reached a decision not to disburse the pending Budget Support payments, totaling 26.85 million euros in grant funding to Lesotho.

29/02/2016 - Sébastien RIES from Luxembourg - EEAS JPD pdf - 3 MB [3 MB]

Meet our JPD, Sébastien Ries from Luxembourg, who joined the delegation in August 2015. Sébastien's work has ranged from political monitoring, human rights to climate change.

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Working together in Lesotho

Support to Vulnerable Farming Households Affected by Increasing Food and Commodity Prices in Lesotho

Support to Vulnerable Farming Households Affected by Increasing Food and Commodity Prices in Lesotho

In order to mitigate the impact of soaring food and agricultural input prices, the EU provided €4 million through FAO in Lesotho to support vulnerable, food insecure farming households. 36 300 households received quality agricultural supplies.


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Head of EUAM Ukraine in Kharkiv to mark model police station launch

26/03/16 - Head of EUAM Ukraine in Kharkiv to mark model police station launch

The Head of EUAM Ukraine Kęstutis LanĨinskas, along with the Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov, and the Head of the EU Delegation to Ukraine Jan Tombinski, attended a ceremony Kharkiv in Eastern Ukraine on 23 February to mark the rollout of the response police model that has already been established in Lviv and Kyiv regions.

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