Delegation to Nigeria and ECOWAS



03/03/2016 - Consultancy to formulate a Regional Fisheries Programme for West Africa

The African Union Interafrican Bureau for Animal Resources is seeking for the services of a consultant to formulate a draft Action Document (including Technical and Administrative Provisions and annexes) for the West Africa 11th EDF regional project.

29/02/2016 - A new Eurobarometer survey on development launched - 29 February

New figures show that almost nine out of ten EU citizens support development (89% - a 4 percentage point increase since 2014.) More than half say that promised levels of aid should be delivered by the EU, with a further 16% saying aid should be increased beyond what is already promised

European Medical Corps Inauguration 15 February 2016

15/02/2016 - European Medical Corps Inauguration 15 February 2016

The European Medical Corps is the new framework for mobilising medical and public health experts and teams for preparedness or response operations inside or outside the EU.The launch event of the #EUMedCorps is launched live-streamed and takes place on Monday from 1630-19:30 at Berlaymont.

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Working together in Nigeria and ECOWAS

Reducing the burden of Vaccine Preventable Diseases (VPDs) in Kebbi State, Nigeria

Reducing the burden of Vaccine Preventable Diseases (VPDs) in Kebbi State, Nigeria

Since June 2004 the EC has been helping to strengthen routine immunisation of children in Nigeria. The project supports the government in improving the management of vaccination services, creating awareness and building the capacity of health workers
