2013 Annual Survey Philippine Business and Industry

Reference Number: 


Release Date: 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

2012 Census of Agriculture and Fisheries


2013 Annual Survey of Philippine Business and Industry

“Providing Statistics for a Globally Competitive Economy”


What is the 2013 Annual Survey of Philippine Business and Industry (ASPBI)?

          The 2013 ASPBI is one of the designated statistical activities of the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA). It is the 42nd in the series of annual surveys undertaken by the PSA since the 1956 Annual Survey of Manufactures.


What are the uses of 2013 ASPBI?

          The data collected from the ASPBI will constitute bases upon which the government and the private sector can formulate policies and economic development plans.


Specifically, the survey results are used in:

  • measuring and comparing national and regional economic growth;
  • planning and policy formulation;
  • determining performance and contribution of Micro,  Small, Medium Enterprises or MSMEs; and in
  • market research, industry studies and other economic analysis.


What are the objectives of the 2013 ASPBI?

  • to collect information on the levels, structure and trends of economic activities of the formal sector of the economy for reference year 2013; and
  • to gather data on employment, compensation, income, expense, total assets, capital expenditures and inventories and generate indicators from these variables.

What is the scope and coverage of the 2013 ASPBI?

          The 2013 ASPBI is a nationwide undertaking confined to the formal sector of the economy and as such excludes the informal sector. It covers establishments engaged in the following economic activities as defined in the 2009 Philippine Standard Industrial Classification (PSIC):

  • Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing
  • Mining and Quarrying
  • Manufacturing
  • Electricity, Gas, Steam, and Air Conditioning Supply
  • Water Supply; Sewerage, Waste Management and Remediation Activities
  • Construction
  • Wholesale and Retail Trade; Repair of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles
  • Transport and Storage
  • Accommodation and Food Service Activities
  • Information and Communication
  • Financial and Insurance Activities
  • Real Estate Activities
  • Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
  • Administrative and Support Service Activities
  • Education
  • Human Health and Social Work Activities
  • Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation
  • Other Service Activities


What are the specific information gathered in the 2013 ASPBI?

Establishments are asked to provide information on the following major items:

  • name and address
  • economic activity
  • year started operation
  • capital participation
  • employment by sex and R&D personnel
  • compensation
  • income
  • subsidies received
  • expense
  • e-commerce
  • capital expenditure
  • total assets
  • inventories

          The individual responses are aggregated into statistical tables that serve as a quantitative portrait of sectoral structures and trends at the national and regional levels.


What is the 2013 Survey on Information and Communication Technology (SICT)?

          The 2013 SICT aims to collect and generate information on the availability, distribution and access/utilization of ICT among industries and businesses in the country. The survey will generate ICT indicators important for measuring the progress in information and communication technology.

          The 2013 SICT is the 5th in the series of ICT surveys and will be a rider to the 2013 ASPBI.


What are the uses of 2013 SICT?

          The data collected for the 2013 SICT will be valuable in measuring progress in information communication technology of the country to help decision-makers in both public and private sectors in developing policy measures and encouraging private investment in ICT.


What is the legal basis of the 2013 ASPBI and 2013 SICT?

          The PSA is mandated by Republic Act (RA) No. 10625 (Reorganizing and Strengthening the Philippine Statistical System and for Other Purposes), as the primary agency responsible for all national censuses and surveys, sectoral statistics, consolidation of selected administrative recording and compilation of the national accounts.


What is the reference period of the 2013 ASPBI and 2013 SICT?

          In general, all information collected in the 2013 ASPBI and 2013 SICT refers to calendar year 2013.  If the establishment uses fiscal year other than January to December 2013, this is acceptable provided previous years’ annual reports used the same period of reporting.

          However, to facilitate its accomplishment, employment data collected is as of November 15, 2013.


What is the manner of data collection for the 2013 ASPBI and 2013 SICT?

          The information will be collected using seven types of questionnaires for ASPBI:


  • ASPBI Form 1 - Agriculture, Forestry and  Fishing 
  • ASPBI Form 2 - Mining and Quarrying; Manufacturing
  • ASPBI Form 3 - Electricity, Gas, Steam and Air-conditioning Supply; and Water Supply; Sewerage, Waste Management and Remediation Activities
  • ASPBI Form 4 - Construction
  • ASPBI Form 5 - Wholesale and Retail Trade; Repair of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles 
  • ASPBI Form 6 - Financial and Insurance Activities
  • ASPBI Form 7 - Business and Services

          ICT information will be collected using SICT Form 1. It will be distributed together with the 2013 ASPBI questionnaire.

          The questionnaires will be delivered personally to sample establishments  by the PSA field men during the period September 1 – 30, 2014.  Collection of the questionnaires will start ten days after the distribution.

          Sample establishments for the 2013 ASPBI and 2013 SICT can also respond on-line using https://aspbi.psa.gov.ph and https://sict.psa.gov.ph, respectivelyResponses are protected as these will be encrypted.


What is the assurance of the respondents that the information provided to PSA will not be used against them in lawsuits or for other purposes?

          Section 26 of RA No. 10625 assures respondents that individual data furnished by a respondent to statistical inquiries, surveys and censuses of the PSA shall be considered privileged communication and as such shall be inadmissible as evidence in any proceeding. The PSA may release aggregated information from statistical inquiries, surveys and censuses in the form of summaries or statistical tables in which no reference to an individual corporation, association, partnership, institution or business enterprise shall appear.

          Section 27 of RA No. 10625 imposes penalties on respondents who fail to give truthful and complete answers to statistical inquiries. Any violation of this Act shall result in the imposition of the penalty of one (1) year imprisonment and a fine of one hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00). In addition, erring corporation or any other juridical entity, depending on the category whether small, medium or large, shall be imposed a fine ranging from one hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00) to five hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00).


When will the 2013 ASPBI and 2013 SICT results be available?  What is the mode of data dissemination?

          Preliminary and final tables produced from the survey shall be presented by sector at the national and regional level. Special Releases by sector for preliminary results will be available starting October 2015, and for the final results starting December 2015.  These Special Releases will be posted on the PSA website for quick viewing and retrieval by stakeholders.

          National and regional data dissemination seminars are planned to be conducted in October 2015 and November 2015, respectively.

