5 Responses to KN A*

  1. Yes, I see that from your previous reply. Where can I find the updated Tablet numbers?
    I suspect you mean at Dr. Palaima’s site, but I cannot be sure, because the AM 600+ series is on this site.

    Can you PLS clarify this for me?



    • “You will find these tablets by searching the LB transliterations on the site – for instance, the first one cited here is KN Am 600+ which can be found by searching for e-so-to – the fragment has since been joined to another fragment to form a fairly complete tablet.”

      The site referenced here is the one you are currently communicating on; my site: There is a search box in the top right of every page.

      You will also find a “References” section at the bottom of each page on the site which includes all source material used to compile the repository.

  2. WOW! This is fantastic news! I shall go and check up on this asap. I am delighted to hear that Prof. Palaima has joined together this fragment with a moce complete tablet. I never even knew about this. I was using Scripta Minoa itself as my source,, which is why I referred to the J series.

    I shall look at KN AM 600+ right away.

    How can I get ini touch with Profl Palaima? I sent him an e-mail a while ago, and got no answer. I suspect that my e-mail ended up in his SPAM folder, as happens so often. That is what often happens to folks who write me for the first time. But yours came through, thank God.

    merci bien

    votre nouvel ami candien


  3. RE Knossos AG Series: I have translated KN 600 A g 01 & KN 601 A g 02, neither of which you have transliterated on site. I would be delighted if you were to add these tablets to your own translations of the AG series, and even more so if you would provide the links to both of my translations on my site, Linear B, Knossos & Mycenae, here:

    There are exhaustive notes on each of these tablets, which are almost, but not quite, identical. I trust that you will find my translations both constructive and insightful.

    Thank you

    Richard Vallance Janke,
    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

    • Hi, Richard. As with the KN J series, the tablet identifiers you’re using here are no longer current. You will find these tablets by searching the LB transliterations on the site – for instance, the first one cited here is KN Am 600+ which can be found by searching for e-so-to – the fragment has since been joined to another fragment to form a fairly complete tablet. There is a Reference section at the bottom of each page to provide the references used for the transliteration, and for further reading on the careful methodologies used by the philologists to confirm the joins. Dr. Palaima at the University of Texas at Austin, for instance, has done some phenomenally detailed work on the clay types of the tablet to deepen join confirmations.

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