

libation ritual pouring of a fluid, sometimes as an offering to a deity; wikipedia
pithos large ceramic storage vessel; wikipedia
polythyra pier-and-door partition
rhyton vessel for fluids, often highly stylized; wikpedia

Linguistics and Philology

acrophony acrophonic abbreviation borrows the beginning sound of a word and its pictograph to create a letter. The Roman letter B and Greek letter β both arise from earlier pictographs of houses, often pronounced like "bet". Hence βeta.
anthroponym personal name, i.e. "Alice"
apocope loss or omission of a sound or syllable at the end of a word; wiktionary
crasis contraction of 2 vowels or dipthongs into 1 new vowel or dipthong
digram a sign group of only 2 symbols
epichoric local form, especially of Greek alphabet variants; wiktionary
hapax, short for hapax legomenon, is a symbol or sign group which appears only once in an entire body of work, in this case, the entire Linear A corpus
haplology elimination of 1 of 2 duplicate consonant sounds, like how amphora was originally ἀμφιφορευς
hypocoristic, hypocorism nickname; term of endearment; shortened form of a full name
klasmatogram a symbol which represents a fraction
ligature two or more symbols are joined to make a single new composite symbol
logogram a symbol which represents a word; many Chinese characters are logograms
morpheme smallest part of a word or sign group that has semantic meaning; wikipedia
oxytone a word with the stress on the last syllable; wikipedia
paroxytone word with the stress on the penultimate (second-to-last) syllable
phytonym plant name, i.e. SA-SA-MA sesame
rebus principle using existing symbols to represent sounds regardless of their meaning; wikipedia
sobriquet nickname
syntagm sequence of linguistic units in a syntactic relationship with each other
theonym name of a deity, i.e. PO-SE-DA-O-NE Poseidon
toponym place name, i.e. KO-NO-SO Knossos