
hapax at Knossos


McArthur 1993: uncertain ethnic adjective

Chadwick & Ventris 1973: ethnic adjective? cf. Λέριος?


Chadwick, John and Michael Ventris, 1973 Documents in Mycenaean Greek

McArthur, Jennifer, 1993 Suplementos a MINOS núm. 9 "Place-Names in the Knossos Tablets Identification and Location"

2 Responses to re-ri-jo

  1. After diving deeper into the context of re-ri-jo, I would like to tentatively suggest that it is a Knossian spelling of ri-jo. re-ri-jo appears in the context of e-re-ta on KN C 902, and all three tablets mentioning e-re-ta in the PY An series include ri-jo. The PY Ad tablet which mentions e-re-ta-o doesn’t have evidence of ri-jo, but it does have a-pu-ne-we, which also appears on 2 of the the e-re-ta tablets of the PY An series as a-po-ne-we.

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