
cf. a-ke-ti-ra2

Definitions y Definiciones

Bernabé & Luján 2008: worker, producer, finisher

Chadwick 1988: Occupational agent noun

Aura Jorro 1985: un nombre de agente en -τρια, probablemente relacionado con el a-ke-te

Ruijgh 1963: Occupational agent noun as 'finishers' from Classical Greek ἀσκέω


Spelling variants: a-ke-ti-ra2, maybe a-ze-ti-ri-ja


Chadwick & Ventris 1973: dative plural

Aura Jorro 1985: dativo plural

Associated Toponyms

ra-su-to: KN Ai

Associated Commodities



Quora.com: Is the letter ξ ksi pronounced as ks or gz in Ancient Greek names?


Auro Jorro, Francisco, 1985 Diccionario Micénico vol. I

Bernabé, Alberto and Eugenio Luján, 2008 A Companion to Linear B: Mycenaean Greek Texts and their World “Mycenaean Technology”

Chadwick, John, 1988. Texts, Tables and Scribes: Studies in Mycenaean Epigraphy & Economy (Suplementos a MINOS num. 10) “The Women of Pylos” p. 78

Chadwick, John and Michael Ventris, 1973 Documents in Mycenaean Greek

2 Responses to a-ke-ti-ri-ja

  1. Andras Zeke says:

    It is interesting to see how a consonantal cluster, originally *-sk-, or perhaps *-zk- was occasionally written with a Z-series sign (probably an affricate, *-ts- or *-dz-). Clearly, the scribes were no masters of ortography, as seen in misspelled words like PO-O-E-KE-TE-RI-JA (=*proekteria); the latter should have been written as *PO-RO-E-KE-TE-RI-JA , had the scribe followed the general spelling rules. Maybe some of them were not native Greek speakers (being hired from Crete)?

    • kiminoa says:

      And then there’s DE, too, with its allative -sde -tse ending in Greek … alternately, maybe the Z series is just the Z series, and its DE and KE (with their shared “tops”) that lump together into a special consonantal cluster phonetic grouping…

      I’m wary of including O as a definite misspelling. The more time I spend studying Linear B, which is admittedly a very new hobby for me relative to my Linear A pastime!, the more I think O and a few other symbols have a special significance as something more than or besides a phonetic value. O especially stands out because of its use as adjunct and abbreviation. I wish I could say more with certainty, but I still have a lot more research to do on the topic before I’ve either proven or discarded this hunch.

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