McArthur 1993, Chadwick & Ventris 1973: toponym
Catling & Jones 1977: toponym, somewhere in western Crete based on the clay analysis of stirrup jars from Thebes
Godart 1972: toponym, but not Palaikastro based on the KN Co livestock numbers and the desolation of the eastern region
Catling & Millett 1965: toponym, Palaikastro in eastern Crete based on the clay analysis of stirrup jars from Thebes (Palaikastro interpretation retracted in Catling & Jones 1977)
Hallager 1992: personal name, cf. wa-to
Parallel Sign Groups
KN Co: ka-ta-ra-iloc. pl., ku-do-ni-jatoponym KN Ce, KN G, KN Lc, KN Sd
KN C: o-du-ru-wi-joethnic KN Ai, [[TH Z]], si-ra-rotoponym KN Co, ri-jo-notoponym KN Ak, KN Ap, KN Da, KN Dn, a-pa-ta-watoponym, ku-ta-i-totoponym
Catling, H.W. and R.E. Jones, 1977 Archaeometry 19 "A reinvestigation of the provenance of the inscribed stirrup-jars found at Thebes"
Catling, H.W. and A. Millett, 1965 Archaeometry 8 "A Study of the inscribed stirrup-jars from Thebes"
Chadwick, John and Michael Ventris, 1973 Documents in Mycenaean Greek
Godart, Louis, 1972 Acta Mycenaea II (Minos 12) «Les tablettes de la série Co de Cnossos»
Hallager, Erik, Birgitta P. Hallager and Maria Vlasakis, 1992 Kadmos 31 (Band XXXI, Heft 1) "New Linear B tablets from Khania"
McArthur, Jennifer, 1993 Suplementos a MINOS núm. 9 "Place-Names in the Knossos Tablets Identification and Location"