Pylos PY Ta Linear B Series

Transliterations from Bennett & Olivier 1973 unless otherwise noted. Modified Wingspread Convention in use. All tablets in the PY Ta series are written by Scribe 2.

PY Ta 641

ti-ri-po-de , ai-ke-u , ke-re-si-jo , we-ke *201VAS{2 handles, 3 feet} 2 ti-ri-po , e-me , po-de , o-wo-we *201VAS{2 handles} 1 ti-ri-po , ke-re-si-jo , we-ke , a-pu , KE / ka-u-me-(no) ke-re-a2 (*201VAS) [

qe-to *203VAS 3 di-pa , me-zo-e , qe-to-ro-we *202VAS{4 handles} 1 di-pa-e , me-zo-e , ti-ri-o-we-e *202VAS{3 handles} 2 di-pa , me-wi-jo , qe-to-ro-we *202VAS{4 handles} 1

di-pa , me-wi-jo ti-ri-jo-we *202VAS{3 handles} 1 di-pa , me-wi-jo , a-no-we *202VAS{no handles} 1

Scribe 2

This is one of the most famous Linear B inscriptions. Carl Blegen excavated this tablet in 1952 and, because of the distinct ideograms which corresponded well with Michael Ventris' tentative syllabic values and with known Greek numbers, it was instrumental in confirming Ventris' decipherment of Linear B as a form of Greek (Chadwick 1958: 81-84, 140).

"Tripod Tablet" (Ta641)
PY Ta 641 from John S Y Lee on Flickr @ the National Archaeological Museum in Athens

PY Ta 642

.1 to-pe-za , ra-e-ja , we-a-re-ja , a-ja-me-na , a2-(ro)-[ ]-(u)-do-pi , ku-wa-no-qe , pa-ra-ke-we-(qe)[ ]e-ne-wo , pe-[
.2 to-pe-za , ra-e-ja , me-no-e-ja , e-re-pa-te , a-ja-me-na , qe-qi-no-to , au-de-pi , ko-ru-pi-qe
.3a e-ne-wo , pe-za
.3b to-pe-za , ra-e-ja , a-pi-qo-to , e-re-pa-te-jo , po-pi , e-ka-ma-te-qe , qe-qi-no-to-qe , to-qi-de

Scribe 2
e-ne-wo on .3a is above e-re-pa-te-jo on .3b

PY Ta 707

.1a ku-te-ta-jo
.1b to-no , ku-ru-sa-pi , o-pi-ke-re-mi-ni-ja-pi , o-ni-ti-ja-pi 1 ta-ra-nu-qe , a-ja-me-no , e-re-pa-te-jo , au-de-pi 1
.2 to-no , ku-te-se-jo , e-re-pa-te-ja-pi , o-pi-ke-re-mi-ni-ja-pi , se-re-mo-ka-ra-o-re , qe-qi-no-me-na , a-di-ri-ja-te-qe , po-ti-pi-qe 1
.3 ta-ra-nu , ku-te-so , a-ja-me-no , e-re-pa-te-jo , au-de-pi

Scribe 2
Photograph: Palaima 2011, p. 69, Fig. 12.19

PY Ta 708

to-no , ku-te-se-jo a-ja-me-no o-pi-ke-re-mi-ni-ja e-re-pa-te 1 [ [ ta-(ra)-(nu) , ku-te-se-jo , a-ja-me-no , (e)-(re)-(pa)-te-jo , (au)-(de)-(pi) ] ] [
to-no , ku-te-se-jo e-re-pa-te-ja-pi , o-pi-ke-re-mi-ni-ja , se-re-mo-ka-ra-a-pi , qe-qi-no-me-na , a-di-ri-ja-pi-qe
ta-ra-nu , ku-te-se-jo , a-ja-me-no , e-re-pa-te-jo , a-di-ri-ja-pi , re-wo-pi-qe 1

Scribe 2
ta-ra-nu on .3 begins below e-re-pa-te-ja-pi on .2
Photograph: Palaima 2011, p. 69, Fig. 12.20

PY Ta 709

.1 pi-je-ra3 , to-qi-de-ja *200VAS 3 pa-ko-to , a-pe-te-me-ne *214VAS 2 po-ro-e-ke-te-ri-ja *228VAS 1 ko-te-ri-ja 6
.2a -sa-qe 1
.2b au-te 1 pu-ra-u-to-ro 2 qa-ra-to-ro 1 e-ka-ra , a-pi-qo-to , pe-de-we-sa 1 e-ka-ra , i-to-we-sa , pe-de-we-sa , so-we-ne-ja , au-de-we-
.3 ti-ri-po , ke-re-si-jo , we-ke , *34-ke-u *201VAS 1 ti-ri-po , ke-re-si-jo , we-ke , o-pi-ke-wi-ri-je-u *201VAS 1

Scribe 2
-sa-qe 1 on .2a is above au-de-we- on .2b

PY Ta 709 from John S Y Lee on Flickr @ the National Archaeological Museum in Athens

PY Ta 709
PY Ta 709 from kiminoa on Flickr @ the National Archaeological Museum in Athens

PY Ta 710

ta-ra-nu , a-ja-me-no , e-re-pa-te-jo , au-de-pi , so-we-no-qe , *220 1

PY Ta 711

Chadwick & Ventris 1973:
o-wi-de , pu2-ke-qi-ri , o-te , wa-na-ka , te-ke , au-ke-wa , da-mo-ko-ro
qe-ra-na , wa-na-se-wi-ja , qo-u-ka-ra , ko-ki-re-ja *204VAS 1 qe-ra-na , a-mo-te-wi-ja , ko-ro-no-we-sa
qe-ra-na , wa-na-se-wi-ja , ku-na-ja , qo-u-ka-ra , to-qi-de-we-sa *204VAS 1

Duhoux 2008:
o-wi-de , pu2-ke-qi-ri , o-te , wa-na-ka , te-ke , au-ke-wa , da-mo-ko-ro
qe-ra-na , wa-na-se-wi-ja , qo-u-ka-ra , ko-ki-re-ja *204VAS 1 qe-ra-na , a-mo-te-wi-ja , ko-ro-no-we-sa
qe-ra-na , wa-na-se-wi-ja , ku-na-ja , qo-u-ka-ra , to-qi-de-we-sa *204VAS 1

Scribe 2
Find-spot: Archives Room Complex
Facsimile: Duhoux 2008, p. 315, Fig. 9.40

PY Ta 713

to-pe-za , ra-e-ja , ku-te-se-jo , e-ka-ma-pi , e-re-pa-te-jo-qe , a-pi-qo-to , e-ne-wo-pe-za , qe-qi-no-me-na , to-qi-de 1
to-pe-za , e-re-pa-te-ja , po-ro-e-ke , pi-ti-ro2-we-sa , we-pe-za , qe-qi-no-me-na , to-qi-de 1 [ [ to-pe-za ] ]
to-pe-za , ku-te-se-ja , e-re-pa-te-jo , e-ka-ma-pi , a-pi-qo-to , e-ne-wo-pe-za , ko-ki-re-ja

Scribe 2
Facsimile: Palaima 2011, p. 100

PY Ta 714

to-no , we-a2-re-jo , a-ja-me-no , ku-wa-no , pa-ra-ku-we-qe , ku-ru-so-qe o-pi-ke-re-mi-ni-ja
a-ja-me-na , ku-ru-so , a-di-ri-ja-pi , se-re-mo-ka-ra-o-re-qe , ku-ru-so (,) , ku-ru-so-qe , po-ni-ki-pi 1
ku-wa-ni-jo-qe , po-ni-ki-pi 1 ta-ra-nu , a-ja-me-no , ku-wa-no , pa-ra-ku-we-qe , ku-ru-so-qe , ku-ru-sa-pi-qe , ko-no-ni-pi 1

Scribe 2

PY Ta 715

to-pe-za , ku-te-se-ja , e-re-[ ]-te-jo , e-ka-ma-pi , a-pi-qo-to , e-ne-wo-pe-za , ko-ki-re-ja
to-pe-za , a-ka-ra-no e-re-pa-te-ja , a-pi-qo-to 1 to-pe-za , a-ka-ra-no , e-re-pa-te-ja , po-ro-e-ke 1
to-pe-zo , mi-ra2 , a-pi-qo-to, pu-ko-so , e-ke-e , e-ne-wo-pe-zo , to-qi-de-jo , a-ja-me-no , pa-ra-ku-we 2

Scribe 2

PY Ta 716

pa-sa-ro , ku-ru-so , a-pi , to-ni-jo 2 wa-o *232 2
qi-si-pe-e *234 2

Scribe 2
*234 on .2 appears under a-pi on .a

PY Ta 721

ta-ra-nu , a-ja-me-no , e-re-pa-te-jo , au-de-pi , to-qi-de-qe , ka-ru-we-qe *220 1
ta-ra-nu-we , a-ja-me-no , e-re-pa-te-jo , au-de-pi , so-we-no-qe , to-qi-de-qe *220 3
ta-ra-nu , a-ja-me-no , e-re-pa-te-jo , au-de-pi , so-we-no-qe , *220 1
ta-ra-nu , a-ja-me-no , e-re-pa-te-jo , au-de-pi , so-we-no-qe , *220 1
ta-ra-nu , a-ja-me-no , e-re-pa-te-jo , au-de-pi *220 1

Scribe 2

PY Ta 722

ta-ra-nu , a-ja-me-no , e-re-pa-te-jo , a-to-ro-qo , i-qo-qe , po-ru-po-de-qe , po-ni-ke-qe *220 1
ta-ra-nu , a-ja-me-no , e-re-pa-te-jo , ka-ra-a-pi , re-wo-te-jo , so-we-no-qe *220 1
ta-ra-nu , a-ja-me-no , e-re-pa-te-ja-pi , ka-ru-pi *220 1 ta-ra-nu , a-ja-me-no , e-re-pa-te-ja-pi , ka-ru-pi *220 1

Scribe 2


Bennett, Emmett L., Jr. and Jean-Pierre Olivier, 1973 The Pylos Tablets Transcribed

Bennett, Emmett L., Jr. and Jean-Pierre Olivier, 1976 The Pylos Tablets Transcribed Part II: Hands, Concordances, Indices

Chadwick, John and Michael Ventris, 1973 Documents in Mycenaean Greek

Chadwick, John, 1958 The Decipherment of Linear B

Duhoux, Yves, 2008 A Companion to Linear B: Mycenaean Greek Texts and their World "Mycenaean Anthology"

Palaima, Thomas, 2011 A Companion to Linear B: Mycenaean Greek Texts and their World vol. II (editors Yves Duhoux and Anna Morpurgo Davies) "Scribes, scribal hands and palaeography"

To Do:
add 711 Duhoux to DB
update BO in DB

4 Responses to PY Ta

  1. Striano says:

    There is an error in the text of PY 642: instead of ku-wa-no-qa it must be read ku-wa-no-qe.

    • kiminoa says:

      Confirmed with Bennett & Olivier 1973 and updated. Thank you for catching the error and taking the time to report it, Striano. Greatly appreciated!

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