
Knossos hapax


Chadwick & Ventris 1973: offering recipient; theonym?

Associated Commodities

*172: KN Gg
*209VAS+A: KN Gg


Chadwick, John and Michael Ventris, 1973 Documents in Mycenaean Greek

3 Responses to da-nwa

  1. Japanese danwa “conversation, discourse”
    Greek δήνεα (denea) “counsels, plans”

    Again, /da/ to /δでるたηいーた/ demonstrates the shift, more often than not, from LinB /Ca/ to Greek /Cηいーた/*. Moreover, the elided vowel in the consonant cluster, /nwa/, is most likely /a/ but could well be /e/, to explain the shift to Greek /νにゅーεいぷしろん/. And LinB /wa/ thus far shifts to /αあるふぁ/.

    *C = consonant

    • Can you provide etymological evidence that the Japanese and Greek are not false cognates? The default for such disparate language families is that they are false cognates, so hard work and rock-solid evidence is needed to prove otherwise. The Greek is Homeric, but what about the etymology of the Japanese word? What is its history?

      As far as /nwa/ goes, its formation from / alternation with /nu-wa/ (plenty of articles on this; check SMID) contraindicates your assertion about /νにゅーεいぷしろん/. See, for instance, pe-ru-si-nwa.

      Unfortunately, da-nwa is hapax legomenon so there’s no way to confirm any definition and can at best be tentatively accepted if the spelling rules are a perfect match for a Greek word and if the context confirms it (KN Gg; me-ri). Better to tackle sign groups with multiple contexts for confirmation.

    • I checked in with a friend of mine who is a native Japanese speaker. danwa comes from two Chinese characters: dan and wa. Definitely a false cognate.

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