Ideogram for Man / Men

Variant Forms

Linear B VIR - Pylos Scribes 21 and 23 Pylos Scribes 21 & 23
Linear B VIR at PY Ac PY Ac Scribe

Adjuncts to VIR


Christine Skelton MUL VIR
© Christine Skelton

One Response to VIR

  1. kiminoa says:

    I’ve been doing some data analysis related to the sign groups and adjuncts that most frequently appear in conjunction with VIR on the Knossos tablets. Here’s what most frequently appears in the context of VIR at Knossos (I’ve excluded single instance appearances; and please ignore the case sensitivity, it’s just an issue with my current set of data):

    [“TO-SO”, 13],
    [“to-so”, 2],
    => 15 instances

    [“KO-WO”, 7],
    [“ko-wo”, 2],
    => 9 instances

    [“TELA”, 8],

    [“X”, 7],
    [“MUL”, 7],

    [“DA”, 6],
    [“E-NE-KA”, 6],

    [“KO-NO-SI-JA”, 2],
    [“KO-NO-SI-JO”, 3],
    => 5 instances

    [“O-PA”, 4],
    [“KO-WA”, 4],
    [“]JO”, 4],
    [“]-JO”, 4],
    [“PO”, 4],
    [“DA-*22-TO”, 4],

    [“]KE-RE”, 3],
    [“]-U”, 3],
    [“SE-TO-I-JA”, 3],
    [“A-[“, 3],
    [“E-RE-TA”, 3],
    [“to-ko”, 3],
    [“RI-ZO”, 3],
    [“PO-KU-TA”, 3],
    [“M”, 3],
    [“KO-[“, 3],

    [“A-RA-DA-JO”, 2],
    [“A-TA-ZE-U”, 2],
    [“PO-TO”, 2],
    [“I-JE-[“, 2],
    [“E-TE”, 2],
    [“(JA)-SA-NO”, 2],
    [“]KO-ME-NO”, 2],
    [“PO-ME”, 2],
    [“KA-KE”, 2],
    [“PA2-SI-RE-WI-JA”, 2],
    [“DO-E-RO”, 2],
    [“]wi-ja”, 2],
    [“SU-RI-MO”, 2],
    [“di”, 2],
    [“](TO)-SO”, 2],
    [“]TO”, 2],
    [“E-SO-TO”, 2],
    [“RU-NA”, 2],
    [“A-PE-O-TE”, 2],
    [“DA-WI-JO”, 2],
    [“PU-TO-RO”, 2],
    [“TE”, 2],
    [“E-QE-TA”, 2],
    [“]-WO”, 2],
    [“ko-wi-ro-wo-ko”, 2],
    [“A-NU-TO”, 2],
    [“(E)[“, 2],
    [“QO-TE-RO”, 2],
    [“PU-TE”, 2],
    [“KA-RI-SE-U”, 2],
    [“]E”, 2],
    [“KI-TA-NE-TO”, 2],
    [“]-NO”, 2],
    [“PA-NA-RE-JO”, 2],
    [“PI-RI-NO”, 2],
    [“O-PI-SI-JO”, 2],
    [“PI-JA-SE-ME”, 2],
    [“PE-TE-KI-JA”, 2],
    [“](TO)”, 2],
    [“ku-su-to-ro-qa”, 2],
    [“T”, 2],
    [“QI-RI-JA-TO”, 2],
    [“V”, 2],
    [“U-RA-MO-NO”, 2],
    [“E-KI-SI-JO”, 2],
    [“KE”, 2],
    [“WI-NA-TO”, 2],
    [“A-PA-TA-WA-JO”, 2],
    [“KO-PE-RE-U”, 2],
    [“SU-KE-RE-O”, 2],
    [“A-RA-NA-RO”, 2],
    [“A-KO-RA-JO”, 2],
    [“I-TE-U”, 2],
    [“PI-JA-SI-RO”, 2],
    [“WE-KE-I-JA”, 2],
    [“PU-WO”, 2],
    [“SI-TO”, 2],
    [“A-MO-RA-MA”, 2],
    [“LUNA”, 2],
    [“TE-RE-TA”, 2],
    [“DU-TO”, 2],
    [“KO-NI-DA-JO”, 2],
    [“KE-DO-SI-JA”, 2],

    to do:
    case insensitivity
    run Pylos and compare once PY data entry is complete
    auto-consolidate declensions and alternations
    de-duplicate entries from single inscriptions from multiple sources

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