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Dark Souls 2 Walkthrough Guide: Part 16 - GameSpot
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Dark Souls 2 Walkthrough Guide: Part 16

Aldia's Keep, Velstadt, The Royal Aegis (Boss), Aslatiel of Mirrah (Invader), Guardian Dragon (Boss)


Dark Souls II


The first few seconds of this encounter has three things working against you: columns blocking your ranged attacks, the narrow design of the room, and a boss with long melee reach. Fortunately, you can adapt to two of those things and the columns will soon be reduced to rubble thanks to Velstadt. Yes, he’s a very assertive guy and that includes him wanting to do you in as soon as possible. He’s not only a good mixer of vertical and horizontal attacks, he does so at a fast enough speed that it looks like a combo. This is another battle that favors close quarters fighters, but if you do lean toward ranged attacks, stay very far. When you get Velstadt to about 50% health, it will kneel down to chant a spell. It’s a prime opportunity for you to pounce though be ready to dodge the ranged attack that results from that spell. Using a phantom can make for useful bait--just don’t expect Velstadt to ignore you during the initial moments of this fight.

Note: Progressing toward the other end of the hall after defeating Velstadt will bring you face to face with the King of Drangleic himself, King Vendrick. While he’s technically beatable now, he will be significantly easier down the line so make plans to come back to him later.


The means to encounter Aslatiel of Mirrah is about as straightforward the duel itself. Simply go inside the manor at Aldia’s Keep and wait for the Invader to appear when you approach the first rocking carriage.

If Aslatiel’s moves are familiar, it’s because he’s the older brother of one of the phantoms, Lucatiel of Mirrah. So it’s of little surprise that his moveset is well-rounded, comprising of short sword stabs, swipes, and prudent use of his shield. Feel free to match his assertiveness in kind, especially if you don’t want Aslatiel to heal himself.


Many RPGs like to stagger their dragon encounters. Dark Souls II wants to save them for the home stretch and with good reason. The Guardian Dragon is one of the more mobile wyrms you’ll find in any game. It’ll fly a lot and try to crash land on you. This is when your adept use and knowledge of the camera and lock-on/off toggle will save you. If you’re mindful of where the dragon will aim its flame while it’s airborne, you have a prime opportunity to deal some potent ranged attacks. It’s especially vulnerable when it chooses to hang on the side of the wall--just be sure to get close to the wall yourself to avoid any flame attacks. Like many bosses before it, the Guardian Dragon is best approached from behind. Be ready to dodge or block its vertical and horizontal tail attacks. If you haven’t noticed by now, many bosses in Dark Souls II might be capable of stomp attacks, but they’re not especially deadly. In other words, melee players should fight assertively.

Depending on how well you’ve leveled up to this point, you might find the Guardian Dragon to be a cakewalk. There’s good reason for that--there are more where he came from and there’s a much harder dragon on the horizon.

Guide Home

Class Breakdown

30 Items to Collect Before Your First Battle

Part 1: The Forest of Fallen Giants, The Last one (Boss), The Pursuer (Boss)

Part 2: Heide's Tower of Flame, The Dragonrider (Boss), The Old Dragonslayer (Boss)

Part 3: Down Heide's Tower, No Man's Wharf, The Flexile Sentry (Boss)

Part 4: The Lost Bastille, Ruin Sentinels (Boss), Sinner's Rise

Part 5: Belfry Luna, Bell Keeper (Invader), Belfry Gargoyles (Boss), Vorgel The Sinner (Invader)

Part 6: Huntsman's Copse, the Greatsword Phantom, Merciless Roenna (Invader)

Part 7: Skeleton Lords (Boss), Executioner Chariot (Boss), Harvest Valley, Earthen Peak, Covetous Demon (Boss)

Part 8: The Crescent Sickle Phantom, Mytha The Baneful Queen (Boss)

Part 9: The Pit, Grave of Saints, The Gutter, Rhoy the Explorer (Invader)

Part 10: Royal Rat Vanguard (Boss), The Gutter (Part 2), Melinda the Butcher (Invader), The Rotten (Boss)

Part 11: Iron Keep, Smelter Demon (Boss), Belfry Sol, Old Iron King (Boss)

Part 12: Shaded Woods, Scorpioness Najka (Boss), Doors of Pharros, Bowman Guthrie (Invader), Royal Rat Authority (Boss)

Part 13: Brightstone Cove Tseldora, Prowling Magus (Boss), The Porcine Peasant (Invader), The Duke's Dear Freja (Boss), The Lost Sinner

Part 14: Shrine of Winter, Drangleic Castle, Nameless Usurper (Invader), Dual Dragonriders (Boss), Looking Glass Knight (Boss)

Part 15: Shrine of Amana, Undead Crypt, Peculiar Kindalur (Invader), Demon of Song (Boss), Nameless Usurper (Returning Invader)

Part 16: Aldia's Keep, Velstadt, The Royal Aegis (Boss), Aslatiel of Mirrah (Invader), Guardian Dragon (Boss)

Part 17: Dragon Shrine, Dragonfang Villard (Invader), Ancient Dragon (Boss)

Part 18: Memories of the Ancients, Memory of Vammar, Memory of Orro, Memory of Jeigh, Giant Lord (Boss)

Part 19: Throne Watcher and Throne Defender (Boss), Nashandra (Final Boss)

Part 20: King Vendrick (Boss), Dark Chasm of Old, Darklurker (Boss)

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