


Ruijgh 2011: anthroponym, cf. a-ko-ro-da-mo, from an original meaning of 'flashing' dissimilated into ἀργός 'brilliant white' < *ἀργρός 'swift' Duhoux 2008: probable anthroponym, not related to a-ko-ro-da-mo


Duhoux, Yves, 2008 A Companion to Linear B: Mycenaean Greek Texts and their World vol. I "Mycenaean Anthology"

Ruijgh, C. J., 2011 A Companion to Linear B: Mycenaean Greek Texts and their World vol. II (ed. Yves Duhoux and Anna Morpurgo Davies) "Mycenaean and Homeric Language"

2 Responses to a-ko-da-mo

  1. After looking at TH Ft … if ka-pa is indeed a description of olives, a-ko-da-mo as an anthroponym doesn’t make much sense to me.

    • A bit of hmm-ful wandering around on Perseus lead me to
      δασμός, which would also play nice with da-mo within the rules of Linear B spelling. Of course, we already believe this Greek appears as do-so-mo elsewhere, but perhaps it’s a Theban spelling that drops the s? It’s Homeric and the definition could fit contextually, depending on how a-ka- contributed to the sign group. I’ll do a bit more research on this as time allows. Perhaps just another rabbit hole with negative results. We shall see…

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