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Myosin drives retrograde F-actin flow in neuronal gro... [Neuron. 1996] - PubMed - NCBI
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Neuron. 1996 Apr;16(4):769-82.

Myosin drives retrograde F-actin flow in neuronal growth cones.

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  • 1National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan.


Actin filaments assembled at the leading edge of neuronal growth cones are centripetally transported via retrograde F-actin flow, a process fundamental to growth cone guidance and other forms of directed cell motility. Here we investigated the role of myosins in retrograde flow, using two distinct modes of myosin inhibition: microinjection of NEM inactivated myosin S1 fragments, or treatment with 2,3-butanedione-2-monoxime, and inhibitor of myosin ATPase. Both treatments resulted in dose-dependent attenuation of retrograde F-actin flow and growth of filopodia. Growth was cytochalasin sensitive and directly proportional to the degree of myosin inhibition, suggesting that retrograde flow results from superimposition of two independent processes: actin assembly and myosin-based filament retraction. These results provide the first direct evidence for myosin involvement in neuronal growth cone function.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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