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Vini ultramarina (Ultramarine Lorikeet, Ultramarine Lory)
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Vini ultramarina 


Taxonomy [top]

Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family
Animalia Chordata Aves Psittaciformes Psittacidae

Scientific Name: Vini ultramarina
Species Authority: (Kuhl, 1820)
Common Name(s):
English Ultramarine Lorikeet, Ultramarine Lory
Spanish Lori Ultramar
Taxonomic Source(s): del Hoyo, J., Collar, N.J., Christie, D.A., Elliott, A. and Fishpool, L.D.C. 2014. HBW and BirdLife International Illustrated Checklist of the Birds of the World. Lynx Edicions BirdLife International.
Identification information: 18 cm. Sharp-tailed parakeet. Light cerulean-blue upperparts and forehead, dark navy-blue nape and underparts. Cheeks, breast, and flanks heavily mottled with white. Red bill, eyes, and feet. Voice Very high-pitched whistle and harsh screech.

Assessment Information [top]

Red List Category & Criteria: Endangered B1ab(i,ii,iii,iv,v);C2a(ii) ver 3.1
Year Published: 2013
Date Assessed: 2013-11-01
Assessor(s): BirdLife International
Reviewer(s): Butchart, S.
Contributor(s): Raust, P., Thibault, J., Albar, G., Gouni, A. & Doukas, T.
Facilitator/Compiler(s): Derhé, M., Mahood, S., O'Brien, A., Shutes, S., Stattersfield, A.
This species is classified as Endangered because it only survives on two or three tiny islands (both reintroductions) and the tiny populations on two of these may become extirpated in the near future (if they have not already done so), as black rats have recently become established. Its overall population trend is difficult to assess, but it is likely to be undergoing a long-term continuing decline. It would be uplisted to Critically Endangered if black rats reached Ua Huka, the most important islands.

Previously published Red List assessments:
2012 Endangered (EN)
2008 Endangered (EN)
2004 Endangered (EN)
2000 Endangered (EN)
1996 Endangered (EN)
1994 Endangered (EN)
1988 Threatened (T)

Geographic Range [top]

Range Description: Vini ultramarina is endemic to the Marquesas Islands, French Polynesia. On Ua Pou, it numbered 250-300 pairs in 1975, was rare in 1990 (Holyoak and Thibault 1984, Seitre and Seitre 1991) and was not found in 1998 (Te Manu 1998 24:1). On Nuku Hiva, it numbered 70 birds in 1972-1975 but could not be found in 1990 or in 2004 (Holyoak and Thibault 1984, Seitre and Seitre 1991, Ziembicki and Raust 2004). Recent records - three from Ua Pou (including one pair) in 1999 (Te Manu 1999 27:1), one in one week of searching there in 2000 (Ziembicki and Raust 2004) and one from Nuku Hiva (at least three birds) in 1998 (Te Manu 1998 24:1) - may be vagrant birds from Ua Huka rather than relictual populations (J.-C. Thibault in litt. 2000). It was (re)introduced to Ua Huka in the 1940s (a single captive pair), where the population was c.200-250 pairs in the early 1970s and c.1,300 birds in 1991 (Holyoak and Thibault 1984, Thibault 1988, Kuehler et al. 1997). By 2004 the species had slightly increased to 1,763 - 2,987 individuals (Ziembicki and Raust 2004) and has remained relatively stable since, with 2,094 individuals reported in 2009 (T. Doukas in litt. 2010). It was further (re)introduced to Fatu Hiva (29 birds) in the 1990s (Kuehler and Lieberman 1993), where 51 birds were counted in 1997 (Kuehler et al. 1997) but, by 2000 when rats had become established, fewer than 10 were seen in Omoa Valley; in 2004 the population was estimated at 3-10 individuals, and in 2007 it was considered extinct there (Ziembicki and Raust 2004, P. Raust in litt. 2007, J.-Y. Meyer and J.-C. Thibault unpublished data).

Countries occurrence:
French Polynesia
Continuing decline in area of occupancy (AOO): Yes
Extreme fluctuations in area of occupancy (AOO): No
Estimated extent of occurrence (EOO) - km2: 160
Continuing decline in extent of occurrence (EOO): Yes
Extreme fluctuations in extent of occurrence (EOO): No
Number of Locations: 3
Continuing decline in number of locations: Yes
Extreme fluctuations in the number of locations: No
Range Map: Click here to open the map viewer and explore range.

Population [top]

Population: There are 2,094 individuals on Ua Huka alone, and so the total population is placed in the band 1,000-2,499 individuals. This equates to 667-1,666 mature individuals, rounded here to 600-1,700 mature individuals.

Trend Justification:  All of the population is on one island where the species is stable, on other islands it has recently been extirpated. The overall trend is suspected to be a slow and ongoing decline. If black rats reach Ua Huka the decline will be rapid and severe.
Current Population Trend: Decreasing
Additional data:
Number of mature individuals: 1000-2499 Continuing decline of mature individuals: Yes
Extreme fluctuations: No Population severely fragmented: No
No. of subpopulations: 1 Continuing decline in subpopulations: Yes
Extreme fluctuations in subpopulations: No All individuals in one subpopulation: Yes

Habitat and Ecology [top]

Habitat and Ecology: It feeds on a wide variety of flowering trees on nectar and pollen, preferring flowers of the coconut palm, banana and native Hibiscus tileaceus and fruit, especially mango; as well as on flowers, buds and insects (Holyoak and Thibault 1984, Pratt et al. 1987, Ziembicki and Raust 2004, Doukas et al. in litt. 2010). It nests in tree-cavities preferring Artocarpus altilis, Pometia pinnata, Pandanus tectorius and Hibiscus tileacus (Holyoak and Thibault 1984, Pratt et al. 1987, Ziembicki and Raust 2004).

Systems: Terrestrial
Continuing decline in area, extent and/or quality of habitat: Yes
Generation Length (years): 5
Movement patterns: Not a Migrant

Threats [top]

Major Threat(s): It is likely that black rat Rattus rattus is responsible for its decline, being present on Nuku Hiva since c.1915, on Ua Pou (probably) since 1980, on a motu a few hundred metres from Ua Huka (Seitre and Seitre 1991), and confirmed, for the first time, on Fatu Hiva in February 2000 (Thibault and Meyer 2000). All islands have been devastated by very high levels of grazing and fire, and much of the original dry forest has been reduced to grassland, and extensive damage has been caused even to upland forests (WWF/IUCN 1994-1995). Were the black rat to colonise Ua Huka patterns observed on other islands would indicate that the species would decline almost to extinction within 20 years (Ziembicki and Raust 2004). Additional threats including the clearing of some sections of habitat in order to plant crops and trees for food, and wood carvings for tourism (Doukas et al. in litt. 2010).

Conservation Actions [top]

Conservation Actions: Conservation Actions Underway
CITES Appendix I and II. In 1992-1994, 29 birds were translocated to Fatu Hiva (Kuehler and Lieberman 1993) and a follow-up survey was conducted in 1997 (Kuehler et al. 1997), after the arrival of black rats on the island a trapping program was intitated in 2002 in the Punahitahi vally to help conserve the Fatu Iva Monarch Pomarea whitneyi which might have had some marginal benefit for this species, were it still extant on that island (Ziembicki and Raust 2004). The local council at the port on Ua Huka have been issued with rat traps to help prevent the accidental introduction black rats to that island (Ziembicki and Raust 2004). One local person has been employed in the rat control program on Fatu Hiva and posters of the species have been distributed to schools and community centres on Fatu Hiva and Ua Huka (Ziembicki and Raust 2004).

Conservation Actions Proposed
Consider the possibility of translocation to the nearby island of Mohotani only if cats and rats are completely eradicated from this island (SPREP 1999). On Fatu Hiva, continue to control rats, expand trapping to also include the Omoa Valley (Thibault and Meyer 2000). On Ua Huka, monitor the population and take all precautions to prevent invasion by rats by installing and monitoring additional traps around the wharfs. Install robust rat-resistant artificial nest boxes so that in the event of black rat invasion on Ua Huka, a small population of Vini that may have adapted to use the boxes may survive.  Develop a captive breeding population to support future reintroduction and supplementation attempts.

Citation: BirdLife International. 2013. Vini ultramarina. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2013: e.T22684647A48108191. . Downloaded on 12 April 2016.
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