Grayson Perry, CBE


Grayson Perry is best known for his painted ceramic urns, for which he won the Turner Prize in 2003, but also works across a range of other media including printmaking, drawing and enormous intricate tapestries that satirise modern life. Born in Essex, Perry’s childhood was overshadowed by divorce and a violent stepfather. He discovered early on that he liked to dress in women’s clothes, and now regularly appears at public engagements as his alter-ego, Claire. After graduating with a degree in Fine Art from Portsmouth Polytechnic, Perry lived in squats, joined the Neo Naturists to revive the true soul of the sixties, and took up pottery lessons. In 2015 Perry completed a commission for Living Architecture called Julie’s House, a holiday home in Wrabness encapsulating the story of a fictional Essex character named Miss Julie Cope. In the same year he was appointed vice-chancellor of University of the Arts London.


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