Sir Anish Kapoor, CBE


Anish Kapoor has been exhibiting since the early ’80s and his typically large-scale sculptures, made of steel, granite, concrete, PVC and resin, have appeared around the world, from Paris to New York and from London to Tel Aviv. In 2012 his 115m tower Orbit, the tallest sculpture in the UK, was selected as the winning proposal to become a permanent artwork at the Olympic Park, and he was the first living British artist to take over the Royal Academy in 2009. His controversial 2015 installation Dirty Corner at the Palace of Versailles was twice vandalised with anti-Semitic graffiti, with Kapoor insisting on the second occasion that it shouldn’t be cleaned off. Kapoor received a knighthood in 2013 for his services to art. 


Debrett's 500 2016