Sach Kukadia

Together with his brother Nish, Sach Kukadia founded designer fashion site With their father a stakeholder in Pepe Jeans, the brothers grew up well acquainted with the fashion industry, and founded their business on the premise of a members-only flash sales site. It currently has over 3 million members.

1. What was your biggest career break?

The only career break that actually impacted my life was starting at 23 years of age. Previously I had launched a local radio station in north-west London at the age of 16 and thereafter I started a promotional company focusing on student night life whilst at university, neither of which added much value to my life! 

2. Have you had a notable mentor – and if so what was it about them that was so inspiring?

My father was the only real mentor I had. He distilled certain values in my life from a young age which have helped me make certain decisions in my life. He is a wise, passionate man who always seems to know the answer.

3. What one piece of advice would you give to the 20-year-old you?

Stop chasing girls and read more books! 

4. What qualities to do you look for in new recruits?

I am interested in surrounding myself with smart, passionate people as it is these guys that tend to go the extra mile. Our business is extremely fast-paced, so you need to be tenacious and a quick learner. Our recruitment strategy focuses on our company values and DNA, so it helps if you are able to think like an entrepreneur. 

5. Who do you admire and why?

I admire the likes of Sir Ian Cheshire and Sir Stuart Rose for all they have done for the retail industry. Tom Singh is also very inspirational and I admire the empire he has built. 

6. What does the future of your industry look like?

The UK retail landscape is incredibly complex. Now that the economy is showing signs of improvement, many UK consumers are feeling more confident about spending money. However, all the saving during the recession has turned customers into smart shoppers. It's all about being savvy  the more money you save, the smarter you are. Our business is totally focused on value, giving customers access to premium brands at affordable prices, so we are feeling very confident about our future in this market. 

7. If you hadn’t chosen your current career, what would you have done instead?

I always wanted to work in the fashion industry ever since I was a young boy. Having said that, I have always been good at marketing so I could also imagine myself working within this field. 

8. What is your biggest extravagance?

Unlike most men, I love shopping, so my wardrobe is by far my biggest extravagance. I have 83 pairs of shoes, 46 jackets, 23 suits, 54 pairs of denim and 70 shirts. Notably, my OCD helps me keep track of my purchases.

9. Who would you invite to your dream dinner party and why? (You can invite three people – they must be alive)

I would invite Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Page and Pierre Omidyar – I'm pretty sure I would learn an incredible amount after a meal with them! 

10. What do you do to relax away from work?

Unfortunately I don’t seem to relax much, which is not a good thing. Instead I spend a lot of time in the gym during my spare time. I find exercising a great stress relief. 

11. If you could change one thing about Britain today, what would it be?

I would make it easier for business owners and entrepreneurs to raise money from banks and institutions. There are many businesses that need greater support from the government, which is currently quite hard to obtain. 

12. What would your last meal be? (Please choose a starter, a main course and a pudding)

A large platter of dim sum would be my starter. For the main I would have my mother's chicken curry, and for dessert I would have lots of strong, mature cheeses. All accompanied with a fine red wine.