Getting Ahead

From the very first interview to handing in your notice, your behaviour will be noticed by the powers that be. Mind your manners, look the part and negotiate successfully to ensure that you climb the ladder with style and grace.

  • interview technique, interview etiquette, debrett's guide to interview technique

    Five Tips for Mastering Interviews

    Interviews are a genuine opportunity for candidate and prospective employer to weigh each other up..
  • Dress

    Professionalism loses impact without professional-looking clothing to match
  • Payrises

    Asking for a pay rise is a tricky issue that requires tact and thought...
  • office etiquette, resignation, debrett's guide to resignations


    Managing your resignation from a job must be done as carefully as any other business endeavour
  • redundancy, office etiquette, redundancy etiquette, debrett's guide to office etiquette


    Getting the boot is humiliating, but there is more dignity to lose by losing your temper
  • What do employers look for in new recruits?

    What are the qualities that distinguish job applicants to employers?


getting ahead

getting ahead

Getting ahead

Getting ahead

From the very first interview to handing in your notice – follow these guidelines to help you stay ahead.

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Guide to Entertaining Etiquette

Guide to Entertaining Etiquette

Guide to Entertaining Etiquette

Guide to Entertaining Etiquette

Explore and celebrate the many British rituals, customs and traditions that punctuate the year.

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