Clifford Beal

Clifford Beal is a consultant and author of historical fiction and fantasy novels. Originally from Providence, Rhode Island, he worked for many years as an international journalist covering aerospace and defence issues, and was recently elected a Fellow of the Aeronautical Society. His latest novel The Guns of Ivrea, published by Solaris Books, will be released in February. 

1. What was your biggest career break? 

Getting hired in Washington by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics to help promote the manned space programme in the wake of the space shuttle Challenger disaster. Meeting and working with astronauts like Buzz Aldrin was a childhood dream come true.

2. Have you had a notable mentor – and if so what was it about them that was so inspiring?

There were two teachers at school who took a real interest in my writing and offered advice and encouragement. I’m still grateful today for that extra effort they made towards me. Years later, I was so proud to be able to give them copies of my first book.

3. What one piece of advice would you give to the 20-year-old you?

Never limit yourself to one university activity at the exclusivity of all others. Be omnivorous! You never know when new skills and contacts might be useful down the road.

4. What qualities to do you look for in the people you work with?

Well, like Mr. Incredible once said, 'I work alone'.

5. Who do you admire and why?

Anyone who gives of their own time to help those in need. Volunteers are great human beings.

6. What does the future of your industry look like?

Aerospace is still making great technological progress but today the name of the game is international cooperation. Very few players (if any) have the cash to go it alone.  

7. If you weren't in the role you are in today, what would you have been?

I’d still be scribbling in some job or other. Writing is in my blood.

8. What is your biggest extravagance?

Without a doubt it has to be clothes. Champion clothes-horse.

9. Who would you invite to your dream dinner party and why? (you can invite three people – they must be alive)

Seth McFarlane, Bill Bailey and Jerry Seinfeld. I could really use the laughs.

10. What do you do to relax away from work?

I used to swing a sword doing medieval combat in full armour but age is starting to get the better of me I’m afraid. Multiple dents in the helmet is nature’s way of telling you to sit the next tournament out. 

11. If you could change one thing about Britain today, what would it be?

The ludicrous levels of political correctness. It’s an insidious threat to free speech and liberal democracy

12. What would your last meal be? (please choose a starter, a main course and a pudding)

Cornish rock oysters, beef stew with dumplings, double chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream