Bear Grylls

Bear Grylls is a one-man whirlwind of activity and adventure. Speaker, climber, soldier, sailor, he has finds no limit to the work that can be done to inspire and explore; whether making his way across wastelands with Barack Obama or climbing Everest in his early 20s. Numerous organisations and broadcasters have followed his lead in his programs and activities for young and old. His proudest appointment is that of Chief Scout – which he is the youngest-ever appointee to – making him a figurehead and guide for nearly half a million young people in the UK. He has dined at 25,000-ft above ground, taken part in the longest indoor freefall (using a wind tunnel), circumnavigated the UK on a jet-ski, and crossed the north Atlantic in an open boat. Grylls seems to live to disprove the notion that ‘The Sky’s The Limit’.

1. What was your biggest career break?

After I left the military I got approached by Channel 4 and Discovery to do a show where I demonstrate extreme survival techniques in the wild – they had read about my background in my first book, Facing up, which I wrote after climbing Everest. From there on it has been a crazy ride but throughout it has been and still remains a privilege and an adventure.

2. Have you had a notable mentor – and if so what was it about them that was so inspiring?

My dad was definitely a mentor for me who inspired me to not be afraid to go for things and to take a few risks. Failure was never failure to him but was a stepping stone to success. He encouraged me to follow my dreams and to be a good friend to people.

3. What one piece of advice would you give to the 20-year-old you?

Keep going and follow the path less travelled even when it is scary to go solo.

4. What qualities do you most value in people with whom you work?

Humility enthusiasm and persistence.

5. Who do you admire and why?

Roger Federer, who forges his own path with humility and purpose

6. What does the future of outdoors pursuits, and the Scouting movement, look like, to you?

For me the Scouts is all about inspiring young people to follow their own dreams and get out there and experience real adventure. It is about giving them encouragement, opportunities and great life values. This is such a driving force for me in life to encourage people to grab life.  It is all about seeking out those with an adventurous streak, a go-getting attitude, a love of the outdoors and grabbing life with both hands!

7. If you hadn’t lived a life in the great outdoors, what would you have done instead?

I have been so lucky in my life to be able to have a job that is just what I always dreamt of when I was a boy that I can’t imagine doing anything else!    

8. What is your biggest extravagance?

I spend too much on upgrading our ribs (rigid inflatable boats) to get back and forward to our island home.

9. Who would you invite to your dream dinner party and why? (you can invite three people – they must be alive)

Shara and my 2 best friends; Charlie and Trucker.

10. What do you do to relax away from work?

Being quiet and just us guys on our small Welsh private island, doing lots of mini adventures like caving or kayaking with the boys. It gives us a rare time just to be together as a family, without a lot of communication with the outside world. Heaven!  

11. What would your last meal be? (you can choose a starter, a main course and a pudding)

Calamari, buffalo burger & Home-made carrot cake.