Managing the Wedding Guestlist

With wedding invitations coming and going in the midst of all the wedding planning, it is important to keep track of who is invited, who replies and who refuses. Traditionally, the bride's mother sends out the invitations, but the couple may choose to take on that responsibility themselves.

A record of those invited should be kept - responses can be recorded on this list as they come in.

When refusals are received, invitations can be sent to those on the reserve guest list. Make sure that the second wave of invitations are not sent out way after the original invitations. If there is a long delay, the guests may realise that they were not first choices.

Courtesy invitations should be sent out to guests who the host knows will be unable to attend due to illness or great distance. Remember that guests can be invited to just to reception or evening celebrations if numbers or space is tight. Evening guests usually require a separate wedding invitation.

If an invitation has not been received, it is considered the height of rudeness for a non-invited guest to ask for one. Equally, if the invitation has arrived and it does not specify 'and guest', it is equally rude to ask to bring one or to assume a partner is invited.

If a child's name is not included on the invitation, then it implies that they are not invited to the wedding. This should be clarified in the extra information sheet.

See Wedding Invitations

See Children and Weddings

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