George Ergatoudis

Head of Music, BBC Radio 1 and 1Xtra

George Ergatoudis has been head of music at Radio 1 since 2005, and of 1 Xtra since 2009, having previously worked as a producer for the BBC and Kiss FM as well as in music promotions. In late 2015 it was announced that he would become head of content programming at the world’s leading digital music service, Spotify, in March. In his current role, Ergatoudis chairs the BBC new music stations’ weekly playlist meetings, determining what a huge proportion of the British public listens to, and with over 20 years’ experience in radio, he has an in-depth knowledge of contemporary music across all genres. His love for music was born during the punk revolution when he was a child listening to John Peel on the radio at night. He studied Architecture at university, but much of his energy went into starting a music fanzine. Ergatoudis has served as a judge for the Mercury Prize since 2007 and was named International Music Person of the Year at Musexpo 2015. 


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