Presentation and Communication Skills

Private price (half day): £850 + VAT, (full day): £1,600  + VAT
Group price (10-12 people, full day): £6,000 + VAT

Discounted prices for programme combinations apply

For enquiries, call +44 (0)207 290 5950 or email

If you fear public speaking, you are not alone. Surveys have shown that over 85% of people are terrified of speaking in public or suffer from speech anxiety. This fear afflicts many in the business world, whether you are called upon to speak at an internal meeting, pitching a deal to clients, or asked to present in a room full of your colleagues and managers.

Our Presentation and Communication Skills course will develop your confidence in presenting and public speaking. We teach you to inspire, persuade and motivate any audience to whom you speak, and to master your presence, poise and impact to make sure your message is heard. You will learn to contain your stress, thereby putting both you and your audience at ease. You will learn the structure, flow and ‘bounce points’ to make a compelling presentation, ensuring it contains a clear message, remains interesting and is impactful.

The half-day course touches on the first four modules described below - first impressions, body language, vocal presence and presentation delivery. It takes a brief look at individual performance feedback, but for in-depth performance coaching and video analysis we recommend the full-day course. 

The full-day course offers a balance of detailed theory and intensive performance coaching. Delegates receive individual coaching and analysis on their presentation skills, with the opportunity to put teaching points into practice, and receive video analysis of their presentation skills and personal impact style.

“Thoroughly engaging, concise and useful.”

The Modules

First Impressions
Eye contact and how to capture an audience’s attention

Body Language
Deportment, posture, standing and moving in front of your audience

Vocal Presence
The musicality of the voice and the elements to keep your audience interested and engaged, from projection to how share your message effectively

Presentation Delivery
The presentation journey for the audience, use of visual aids, understanding ‘bounce points’ and the use of PowerPoint

Video Analysis (full-day course only)
Feedback on a spontaneous and pre-prepared presentations

Programme Objectives: Key Outcomes

  • Attendees will learn how to ease their nerves and radiate confidence when addressing an audience as well as how to capture and maintain audience attention
  • Attendees will establish what is effective and engaging body language while avoiding what can be distracting for an audience
  • Attendees will have a sound understanding of the power of the human voice, the emotions it can convey and how it can be used effectively to sell an idea or a message
  • Attendees will understand how to read an audience and be in control of chatterers and dissenters
  • Through video analysis, attendees will be in receipt of constructive feedback on their natural delivery style
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