Adrian Brady

Adrian Brady is the man behind Eulogy, the PR firm he set up in his kitchen whose clients now include multinationals such as American Express and Getty Images. Brady was born in Sligo and worked for Conduit Communications and RPPR prior to founding Eulogy in 1996.

1. What was your biggest career break?

My then girlfriend had enough belief to suggest I quit my job to go with a madcap start-up idea and she would cover the rent. Luckily it paid off as that start-up is 20 years old this year and she must be still believing as she’s now my wife!

2. Have you had a notable mentor – and if so what was it about them that was so inspiring?

It has to be Bear, a mate going back over 20 years. His real name is David Godfrey so I hope I haven’t messed up from an etiquette perspective by leading with a nickname! He was the finance director in my first job in London. Although I was the most junior person in the office we struck up a friendship which has endured for over 20 years and he’s now also on our board here at Eulogy.

3. What one piece of advice would you give to the 20-year-old you?

Do it all again. Just faster.

4. What qualities to do you look for in new recruits?

Hunger and desire at the outset. And loyalty as a working relationship develops.

5. Who do you admire and why?

The Eulogy boomerangs! We’ve hired many great people over the years and a few of them have been good enough to return and re-join the ranks. It takes a brave person not to be too proud to do what feels right.

6. What does the future of your industry look like?

Exciting, as long as we hold our nerve and believe in our proposition.

7. If you hadn’t chosen your current career, what would you have done instead?

I’d have started out as a bartender in Butch McGuires on Rush Street in Chicago. I turned down that opportunity as a young graduate to do the ‘sensible’ thing and return to Ireland. I missed out on some fun but maxed out on career opportunities on this side of the pond.

8. What is your biggest extravagance?

Travel. Foolishly I’ve admitted my desire to see far flung places and made it into a game to see who can visit the most countries only to find I keep challenging people who are far better at travel and adventure than I am. But it gives me more to aim at, I like to think!

9. Who would you invite to your dream dinner party and why? (you can invite three people – they must be alive)

Niall Quinn, so we could talk about his Italia ’90 goal and his time at Sunderland (I’m a long suffering fan. Don’t ask why as I’ll feel old – growing up on the west coast of Ireland it made no sense to support them geographically). Debbie Harry so we could discuss the early albums and my totally unqualified views on the great tunes Blondie produced. Shane MacGowan so I could embarrass myself further as I try to establish my music credibility. And also because with his new set of teeth we’d have a conversation I’d easily understand now!

10. What do you do to relax away from work?

I’m always relaxed.....

11. If you could change one thing about Britain today, what would it be?

Don’t put the clocks back in winter.

12. What would your last meal be? (please choose a starter, a main course and a pudding)

Irish smoked salmon on brown bread; a real burger with blue cheese and pickle and apple pie with cream (a dollop of salted caramel ice cream too, please!).