Being the Boss

The relationship between a boss and their staff is crucial to the success of working life. The workplace with a boss who knows their employees - from the tea boy to the top - is a successful, efficient and happy place to be.

Bad bosses rule through fear. Bullying, shouting and anger will quickly establish them as the office hate figure. Nothing turns staff off more quickly than the despot who steals all the glory. 

Good bosses listen to their staff. They recognise strengths, understand procedures (no matter how big or small) and set reasonable goalposts (that they don't shift).

Encouragement, praise and rewards are delivered promptly when due - professional moral is frequently on a high.



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getting ahead

Getting ahead

Getting ahead

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Guide to Entertaining Etiquette

Guide to Entertaining Etiquette

Guide to Entertaining Etiquette

Guide to Entertaining Etiquette

Explore and celebrate the many British rituals, customs and traditions that punctuate the year.

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