'at Home' Invitations

An ‘at Home’ signifies a personal invitation, even if the event will not be held at home.  

There are two types of at homes:
- ‘closed’ at homes for a specific event
- ‘open’ at homes, with the name of the hostess, ‘at Home’, RSVP and the address. The date is left open so that the invitations may be used for more than one event.

‘Closed’ at home invitations for a specific and usually formal event are traditionally engraved on a card of good texture about W6 x H4½ inches (15 x 11 cm) in size, or slightly smaller. In the case of married couples, these are traditionally prepared in the name of the hostess only.

If the time of the event is not a sufficient indication as to its nature, the latter may be stated on the bottom-right: for example, ‘Dancing 10 o’clock’. If the invitation extends from 6 to 8.30 pm the description ‘cocktails’, ‘drinks’ etc is unnecessary, though it is often included. Guests’ names are handwritten in the top left.

‘Closed’ at home invitations may be sent out by the hostess on behalf of someone else; for example: at Home for Theo’s 21st.

With the exception of dances, ‘open’ at home cards may be used for parties. These are smaller in size than ‘closed’ at homes, usually W5½ x H3½ inches (14 x 9 cm). The card is printed with the name of the hostess, ‘at Home’, RSVP and her address. Other details are completed by hand, with the guests’ names written top left. A stock of these cards can be ordered for various events.

For small informal parties, simplified ‘open’ at home cards of the same size – W5½ x H3½ inches (14 x 9 cm) – may be used, which have just ‘at Home’ and ‘RSVP’ printed on them.




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