NHLBI Director


Some of the most seminal findings in biomedical research emerge from the pursuit of curiosity, as investigators follow a specific line of inquiry to scientific breakthroughs. This innovation is fundamental to the mission of the National, Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI). As such, I am pleased to announce that the NHLBI is piloting an exciting new program, referred to as the NHLBI R35 Program, to help meet this goal.
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Optimizing the NHLBI Clinical Trials Enterprise
Gary H. Gibbons, M.D. - November 19, 2015
Clinical trials are a vital part of the research continuum that takes basic research findings at the bench and ultimately translates them into innovations in clinical practice. NHLBI has an important legacy of conducting and funding clinical trials that have indeed provided critical insights into the mechanisms of human disease as well as shaped how physicians address heart, lung, blood, and sleep disorders.
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