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2002 Photo Gallery
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20160315001626/http://www.iucnredlist.org/photos/2002

2002 Photo Gallery

The photographs presented here represent a selection of species from the 2002 IUCN Red List and were contributed from a range of sources including IUCN SSC Specialist Group members and ARKive. If you wish to use any of these photographs, please contact the photographers directly to request their permission to do so. For a wider selection of threatened species imagery, please see ARKive (www.arkive.org), an online multi-media of the world's species.



Saiga Antelope

Saiga Antelope (Saiga tatarica) is a Critically Endangered nomadic herding species that generally inhabits the open dry steppe grasslands and semi-arid deserts of Central Asia. The species has undergone major population declines over the last decade as a result of poaching for meat and for export of horns for Chinese traditional medicine. In 1993 the total population was estimated at over one million. By 2000, the population had decreased to less than 200,000, and surveys for 2001-2002 indicate that less than 50,000 animals now remain in the wild. Photo © Anna Lushchekina


Forest Owlet

Forest Owlet (Heteroglaux blewitti) is a Critically Endangered species endemic to central India. It was known from four widely separated localities during the 19th century, but was then thought to be extinct for more than 100 years. In 1997 the owlet was rediscovered and in 2000, a survey located only 25 birds. More recent survey efforts have located another five sites, and continue to discover more individuals. Although there is some confusion over its former abundance, evidence strongly suggests it has always been rare. Loss of its deciduous forest habitat threaten the population. Photo © Farah Ishtiaq


Torrent Tree Frog

Torrent Tree Frog (Litoria nannotis), listed as Endangered, is endemic to the Wet Tropics area of North Queensland, Australia. Population declines were first noted in 1990 and, since then, further declines and disappearances of subpopulations in upland sites south of the Daintree Rainforest have been noted. The reason for population decline currently is unknown. The habitat of the species in the Wet Tropics has been protected since 1988, therefore habitat destruction is no longer a threat. Current research is examining the possibility that disease, such as a viral infection or chytrid fungus, may have contributed to the decline of L. nannotis and other amphibian species. Photo © Ross Alford


Slender Seahorse

Slender Seahorse (Hippocampus reidi) is found in the western Atlantic waters of the Caribbean and Central and Southern America. The species was listed in 1996 as Vulnerable. This assessment was based on suspected past declines in range area and habitat, as well as on potential levels of exploitation (it is caught and sold dried as tourist souvenirs, with live animals entering the aquarium pet trade, and is also used in traditional medicines). A reassessment of the species in 2003, with greater taxonomic understanding, found that no appropriate data on biology and ecology, habitat, abundance or distribution are currently available for this species. Further research is needed. Therefore it was reassessed as Data Deficient. Photo © Shedd Aquarium (photo by Edward G. Lines, Jr.)

Eastern Cape Rocky

Eastern Cape Rocky (Sandelia bainsii), listed as Endangered, is a freshwater fish species that occurs only in short sections of several rivers in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. The main threats to the species are habitat change, alien fish introductions (most recently, the introduction of the sharptooth catfish), inter-basin transfers, dam-building and excessive water abstraction from small rivers. Over the past 30 years population numbers have been severely reduced; the Kowie River and the Nahoon River populations are almost extirpated. Photo © Jim Cambray


Fine-lined Pocketbook

Fine-lined Pocketbook (Hamiota altilis), is an Endangered freshwater mussel endemic to the United States. The species is found at sites in five river drainages in Alabama and appears to be mostly restricted to tributary creeks after being eliminated from most of the river habitat throughout its range. Habitat modification, sedimentation, and degradation of water quality have resulted in past population declines and are still considered the main threats to the species. Photo © Wendell R. Haag



Rabo-De-Raposa (Micranthocereus auriazureus) is an Endangered Brazilian cactus. The species is restricted to an area of less than 5,000 km², part of which is potentially threatened by future flooding as a result of dam construction in the area. Photo © Marlon Machado


Biznaguita (Mammillaria sanchez-mejoradae) is a Critically Endangered cactus endemic to a single area in Mexico. Since the discovery of the species more than 15 years ago, the population has diminished by an estimated 75%. The wild population currently is estimated at less than 500 plants and, despite legal protection of the species, the population continues to be highly threatened by illegal collecting. Photo © Malcolm Pym Photography