B2B data

To the biggest music companies, global movie studios, TV channels, artist management comnpanies and many more, Official Charts data is an essential part of everyday business.

The Official Charts Company, through its technical partner Millward Brown, captures daily sales and streaming information for all registered music and video products from 6,000 points of distribution - including physical stores, digital outlets, plus music / video streaming services.

Our state-of-the-art data collection processes generate an un-paralleled volume of market information and insight, which is served to a number of industries. We supply a wide range of products and services to record companies, music publishers, artist managers, film studios, video distributors, book publishers, advertising agencies, and FMCG consumer brands – in fact, any business with an interest in, and requirement for UK entertainment sales and streaming data.

These services are provided in a number of ways, but primarily through a state-of-the-art web-based secure online database, Official Charts Online, and/or through bespoke reports and data-feeds tailored to the specific requirements of the client.

Official Charts Online - provides unparalleled insight for the UK audio, video and related industries, including the retailers who sell its product. Updated every 24 hours, the service offers access to data on approximately 9 billion-plus physical transactions and tracks, encompassing all registered UK audio and video sales from week 5 1994 to the present day - plus 7 billion-plus audio and video streams from week 1 2014 to date. This vast volume of data is increasing at a rapid rate, with an additional 250 million-plus audio streams, 3.5 million-plus track sales, 2.6 million-plus physical products (music and video) tracked every week.

Access to Official Charts Online is available on a subscription basis only, with our subscription year running from February 1st to January 31st. Subscription fees are calculated against a number of criteria - company market size, turnover and percentage market share. Additionally we sell bespoke reports to provide specific insight (such as our franchise and value reports).

Data services & reports – in addition to the online service, the Official Charts Company licenses a range of ‘off the shelf’ data products, as well as bespoke reports. Examples of these services include our digital product file (or elements thereof), value and genre data, any time period, and industry, corporate group, label or artist specific reports.

To discuss your business needs or for more information about Official Charts Online and our data services / reports, please contact: commercial@officialcharts.com.

Click on images below to enlarge:

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