Privacy Statement

Privacy Policy

BRILL is concerned about privacy and guards your data closely. We value our relationship with you and recognize the importance of protecting the privacy of your personal information.   The information we have about our customers is protected and secure, and we work diligently to ensure that preferences regarding the use of your information are honored.

EU Cookie Law - June 2012

The Dutch government has updated the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations in response to the EU Privacy Directive.

Brill is currently in the process of auditing the use of cookies across its sites. Information on the types of cookies Brill uses are listed below. In the near future, Brill will allow visitiors to actively block any cookies we use.

Brill summarize its position as folllows:

"Voor de meting van webstatistieken verzamelen wij anonieme gegevens over het gebruik van deze website. Door analyse van de verzamelde gegevens kan de website worden verbeterd en kunnen wij onze dienstverlening verder optimaliseren. De verzamelde gegevens worden niet voor een ander doel gebruikt of aan derden ter beschikking gesteld. Het gaat onder andere om het tijdstip en de duur van uw bezoek en welke pagina's u heeft bezocht. Ook wordt gebruikgemaakt van cookies. Een cookie is een bestand dat op uw computer wordt opgeslagen en waarmee u bij een vervolgbezoek op onze website kunt worden herkend. Als u bezwaar heeft tegen het gebruik van cookies, dan kunt u dit in uw browser instellen. Wij gebruiken IP-adressen en cookies niet om u persoonlijk te identificeren. Onze cookies kunnen niet worden gebruikt om u op websites van derden te identificeren."

"For the measurement of web statistics, we collect anonymous data concerning the use of this website. By analyzing the collected data, we look to improve our website, further optimizing our service. The data collected is not given to a third party for any other purpose . This data includes the timing and depth of visits and the pages you, the user have visited, or (in the case of "share buttons") have shared with your contacts or colleagues. It also uses cookies. A cookie is a file that is stored on your computer and provides you with a return visit to our website which allows you to be recognized. If you object to the use of cookies, you can do this in your browser. We use IP addresses and cookies to personally identify you. Our cookies cannot be used on other websites to identify you."

As part of the registration or account setup or when you request an inspection copy of a text or make a purchase, BRILL may require your email address. The email address you provide as part of the process will be used to contact you regarding your transaction.  We track "click-throughs" to help determine your interest in particular topics and measure the effectiveness of our customer communications.

Contact Information
As part of purchasing products from Brill, you may be required to supply us with personal information. If you do not wish to be contacted, for customers in the Americas, please take advantage of the opt-out feature in our communications or let us know by contacting  An “opt-in”  option is available for compliance where applicable.

Disclosure of Personal Data
BRILL currently does not sell or rent any personally identifiable information to Third Parties.  Additionally, we may disclose information in special cases when we have reason to believe that disclosing this information is reasonably necessary to: comply with the law, enforce or apply our terms of business, protect our rights and those of our users, or with your consent.

BRILL uses industry-standard encryption technologies when transferring and receiving consumer data exchanged with our site. We have appropriate security measures in place in our physical facilities to protect against the loss, misuse or alteration of information that we have collected from you on our site.

The BRILL Publications Privacy Policy is subject to change at any time.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that the web sites you visit place on your computer to store information about your visit. Cookies are 'passive' in that they contain information your browser can retrieve, but do not contain programmes, viruses or malicious software. Cookies normally expire after a certain length of time, although that time can be anywhere from a few minutes to more than a year.

Cookies can be divided into two categories: 'session' and 'persistent'. Session cookies are temporary and are deleted when you close your browser or after a period of inactivity. Persistent cookies remain on your computer until the expiration date/time set by the cookie creator.

What do cookies do?

Cookies can contain many types of information about your visit to a particular web site, but most commonly are used to store the preferences you've selected, such as language, shopping cart contents, privacy settings and login state. Cookies do not contain personal or private data about you, but can compile information about your browsing habits. For the most part, cookies enhance your browsing experience by keeping you from having to select the same options each time you visit a site.

However, cookies can also be used by web sites to serve you advertising targeted to your particular interests based on the preferences you've selected or the content of the pages you have visited. For this reason, some web users choose to delete or reject cookies of certain types or from certain sites.

What cookies does Brill use?

Brill uses non-functional cookies to enable Google Analytics and "Share" or "Like" buttons from social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook and Google +. The use by Brill of these non-functional cookies falls under the Netherlands Government’s current interpretation of the new EU Cookie Law which gives a web user the choice to block their use on any website that they visit. Brill is currently developing a servcie that will enable each visitor to set their own cookie settings.

What is Google Analytics?

Google Analytics is a popular web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. Google Analytics uses cookies to help us to analyze how users use Brill’s sites. It counts the number of visitors and tells us things about their behavior overall – such as the typical length of stay on the site or the average number of pages a user views. This helps us optimize the site and improve services, hopefully making a better, more intuitive website for our users.

Can I delete cookies?

Yes, you can both view the cookies stored on your computer and delete some or all of them. However, each browser has a slightly different procedure for doing so. Here are instructions for deleting cookies in some popular browsers:

Note that in some cases, deleting cookies will impact your experience in revisiting a site. For example on Brill’s sites you will not be able to use share buttons (for Facebook or Twitter), or you may be forced to log in again.

Can I set my browser to block cookies?

Yes, most browsers allow you to specify which types of cookies you will accept or to reject all cookies. As each browser is different, here are some of the most common ones: