An Update for Authors and Editors

How a new POD supplier in the Americas affects you

The New Year brings major improvements to the distribution and fulfilment of print titles in the Americas. These improvements result in minor changes to the appearance of books printed on demand (POD) in this region. As a valued author and/or editor, we want to make sure you are aware of these changes and what they mean for you.

What has changed in the Americas?

Effective 1 January 2016, Turpin Distribution is responsible for distribution, customer service and fulfilment of Brill journals and print books worldwide – now including the Americas. In addition, Brill will start working with a POD printer in the U.S. (Bookmasters) for books ordered in the Americas, while Brill’s current POD printer (based in the Netherlands) will continue printing books for orders outside the Americas. Today nearly 90% of Brill books are produced via POD.

How do these changes affect me?

These changes help us to ensure a faster time-to-market for your book in the Americas. But it also means that, for the first time, titles published via POD will have slight differences depending on the hemisphere in which they are printed. Within the Americas, books will be printed with a flat spine, whereas POD copies printed outside of the Americas will be printed with a round spine.

Why we chose Bookmasters

After careful consideration, we chose to work with Bookmasters as our POD supplier in the Americas due to the superior quality of the physical book when compared with other printers in the U.S. In addition, we received positive recommendations from scholarly publishers currently working with Bookmasters, including Cambridge University Press, Elsevier, Springer, and more. We believe the finished product maintains the high-quality look and feel Brill authors and customers expect.

Gratis copies for authors will be printed by the POD supplier that corresponds with the author’s shipping address, just as display copies at conferences will be printed by the POD supplier corresponding to the location of the event.

We trust these changes will allow us to serve you better as your publisher by ensuring we meet the evolving market demands in the distribution and fulfilment of your book. For additional information, visit