
Library and Consortia Sales Contact:

To discuss terms for our online reference works journal packages and primary source collections, please contact:

Outside the Americas:

The Americas:

Product and Service information:

If you would like to stay informed on our new and forthcoming publications and other developments in our publishing program, please subscribe to our email newsletters. If you would also like to receive print promotional materials, please fill in this request form and email it to

Marc Records and Opac Integration:

Brill has MARC21 records available for all the E-Book collections, for more information and details visit Brill’s books and journals platform at

For Brill’s Primary Sources Online the MARC records are grouped on collection level in the librarians’ section on BrillOnline Primary Sources. Each record of a document contains a DOI in the 856-field. This leads to landing page of that document. For your convenience, each MARC21 file will be dated.

Please download our form on OPAC Integration.

Licensing and maintenance:

End of the Brill maintenance fee

Brill has discontinued maintenance fees for hosting online content for customers who have acquired Brill Online resources. This is in response to the need of library communities for a simpler invoicing process and more predictable budgeting. Brill Online customers will benefit from the elimination of ongoing costs, reduction in the number of invoices, and lower administration costs.


Review our licensing policies below, in the downloads listing.